GP2X Devkitgp2x With C++ Vs Express Link Issue

Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
Pickle said:
Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
I use Visual Studio to edit the code and invoke makefiles when I do a "build". Manually maintaining the makefiles is not too burdensome in my opinion.
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Dzz said:
Pickle said:
Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
I use Visual Studio to edit the code and invoke makefiles when I do a "build". Manually maintaining the makefiles is not too burdensome in my opinion.

This might be a good idea, i might be able to use the ones generated by devc++. This would at least get me onto the community cross compiler.
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Pickle said:
Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
Yes, I had it setup with Code:Blocks (in fact, I wrote the first version of the setup in the Wiki). Here is the cheat version, it is Code::Blocks + DJWillis DevkitGP2X + SDL test code preconfigured. Make sure you read the readme regarding getting rid of your old Code::Blocks settings in %APPDATA%.

Once I get a number of people confirming it works, I clean it up and try to add a PC compile etc to it and make it more 'complete'.
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yaustar said:
Pickle said:
Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
Yes, I had it setup with Code:Blocks (in fact, I wrote the first version of the setup in the Wiki). Here is the cheat version, it is Code::Blocks + DJWillis DevkitGP2X + SDL test code preconfigured. Make sure you read the readme regarding getting rid of your old Code::Blocks settings in %APPDATA%.

Once I get a number of people confirming it works, I clean it up and try to add a PC compile etc to it and make it more 'complete'.

thank you I will give this a shot.
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Pickle said:
yaustar said:
Pickle said:
Does anyone have a working IDE? Codeblocks (nightly builds) or C++ VS 2005 Express?

The wiki's guides havnt worked for me. All of the cross complied toolkits work from make files.
I really dont want to go back to the GP sdk.
Yes, I had it setup with Code:Blocks (in fact, I wrote the first version of the setup in the Wiki). Here is the cheat version, it is Code::Blocks + DJWillis DevkitGP2X + SDL test code preconfigured. Make sure you read the readme regarding getting rid of your old Code::Blocks settings in %APPDATA%.

Once I get a number of people confirming it works, I clean it up and try to add a PC compile etc to it and make it more 'complete'.

thank you I will give this a shot.

UPDATE: this worked fine! This isnt the nightly build version is it? That was the version I tried to use with the wiki stuff, maybe it doesnt work exactly the same.
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Pickle said:
thank you I will give this a shot.

UPDATE: this worked fine! This isnt the nightly build version is it? That was the version I tried to use with the wiki stuff, maybe it doesnt work exactly the same.

Yep, it is last Friday's nightly build IIRC. C::B have changed the interface since I last wrote the guide which is slightly annoying.
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yaustar said:
Pickle said:
thank you I will give this a shot.

UPDATE: this worked fine! This isnt the nightly build version is it? That was the version I tried to use with the wiki stuff, maybe it doesnt work exactly the same.

Yep, it is last Friday's nightly build IIRC. C::B have changed the interface since I last wrote the guide which is slightly annoying.
hmm i saw in the other thread you put up the source code that worked, maybe Ill try the WIKI again and see if the source code makes a difference.

What do you have in mind to use for the windows side in terms of GCC?
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Yeah, CodeBlocks is actually pre configured to use MinGw as the GCC compiler. The 'hard' part is dealing with the SDL libraries and setting up the template for use.
yaustar said:
Yeah, CodeBlocks is actually pre configured to use MinGw as the GCC compiler. The 'hard' part is dealing with the SDL libraries and setting up the template for use.
If your not aware I think the Lazy Foo SDL tutorials have a setup for mingw/codeblocks/SDL already, although I think when i looked at it it wasnt the nighly build.
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yaustar said:
Yeah, CodeBlocks is actually pre configured to use MinGw as the GCC compiler. The 'hard' part is dealing with the SDL libraries and setting up the template for use.
I spent a little bit time on the windows side, im hitting road blocks on the un-compiled libraries, such as sdl_gfx and freetype.
I removed those flags from the linker and the strange thing that happended was -lSDL couldnt be found by LD, but it seemed to find sdl_image, sdl_ttf. I modified the paths in the GCC compilier settings??

I guess to get where im at I installed mingw, i used the mingw devel lib for SDL, and i used the VC8 (it appears this can be used) for all of the other precompiled SDL libs. I tried compiling sdl_gfx but i ran into the same library problems above.

I was also wondering if you have the built-in SDL project set up and if it works for you.
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Pickle said:
I spent a little bit time on the windows side, im hitting road blocks on the un-compiled libraries, such as sdl_gfx and freetype.
I removed those flags from the linker and the strange thing that happended was -lSDL couldnt be found by LD, but it seemed to find sdl_image, sdl_ttf. I modified the paths in the GCC compilier settings??

I guess to get where im at I installed mingw, i used the mingw devel lib for SDL, and i used the VC8 (it appears this can be used) for all of the other precompiled SDL libs. I tried compiling sdl_gfx but i ran into the same library problems above.

I was also wondering if you have the built-in SDL project set up and if it works for you.
This is why this is the 'hard' part :D

I have had the whole thing working before during Uni but haven't had a chance to try this since my last reply.
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yaustar said:
Pickle said:
I spent a little bit time on the windows side, im hitting road blocks on the un-compiled libraries, such as sdl_gfx and freetype.
I removed those flags from the linker and the strange thing that happended was -lSDL couldnt be found by LD, but it seemed to find sdl_image, sdl_ttf. I modified the paths in the GCC compilier settings??

I guess to get where im at I installed mingw, i used the mingw devel lib for SDL, and i used the VC8 (it appears this can be used) for all of the other precompiled SDL libs. I tried compiling sdl_gfx but i ran into the same library problems above.

I was also wondering if you have the built-in SDL project set up and if it works for you.
This is why this is the 'hard' part :D

I have had the whole thing working before during Uni but haven't had a chance to try this since my last reply.

Yeah, i know.....
Well let me know if you do try and where you get, Im going to try to later.
It would be nice to get this working for everyone to use. No need for everyone to recompile everything.
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Pickle said:
yaustar said:
Pickle said:
I spent a little bit time on the windows side, im hitting road blocks on the un-compiled libraries, such as sdl_gfx and freetype.
I removed those flags from the linker and the strange thing that happended was -lSDL couldnt be found by LD, but it seemed to find sdl_image, sdl_ttf. I modified the paths in the GCC compilier settings??

I guess to get where im at I installed mingw, i used the mingw devel lib for SDL, and i used the VC8 (it appears this can be used) for all of the other precompiled SDL libs. I tried compiling sdl_gfx but i ran into the same library problems above.

I was also wondering if you have the built-in SDL project set up and if it works for you.
This is why this is the 'hard' part :D

I have had the whole thing working before during Uni but haven't had a chance to try this since my last reply.

Yeah, i know.....
Well let me know if you do try and where you get, Im going to try to later.
It would be nice to get this working for everyone to use. No need for everyone to recompile everything.

Holy Crap, I was able to compile SDL_gfx. One down.
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The stars and planets must be aligned the right way, I was able to compile guyfawkes demo on windows and it works. First off let me say I havnt compiled/added all of the libraries that are in the devkitGP2X. I dont know if I really would want to.

Here are some general steps I took to get it to work.
1. Download mingw and throw the SDL includes/lib/bin into thier respective folders. Also did this with freetype2.

2. Compile SDL_gfx
a. linker settings: -static -lSDL -lmingw32
b. project properties - build targets : Type = dynamic linrary Check Create import library

3. Try and compile SDL_gfx, should get a .a and .dll, copy headers to include, library to leb, dll to bin

4. SDL_test settings
a. Duplicated the existing release build option, changes to GNU GCC compiler. Renamed orig release to GP2X Release. Added GP2X define to GP2X release. Added WIN32 define to Win32 release. Comment out the #DEFINE GP2X in sdltest.cpp
b. Win32 linker settings: -static -lSDL_gfx -lSDL_ttf -lfreetype -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL

Update: I am able to compile and run my pirates code! I dont think ill ever need all of those other libs.