Delete accounts with 0 posts?


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I noticed that on the overall top 10 posters list, pages 124-152 are full of people with 0 posts, and they registered quite awhile ago. I think these accounts should be deleted because I think none of them are going to create a single post. What do you guys think?
Why delete them? I don't see that someone should be unwelcome just because they doesn't post often or at all.

If, say, the BB is struggling with too many registered users, then fair enough. But if their registrations aren't causing any trouble, I say leave 'em be.

Does the BB record how often registered users read the site? If so, perhaps people that haven't visited at all in a period of time could be deleted.
if anything, they should stay. They aren't bothering you are they? and although they are not posting, having more members makes this forum *look* more popular.
not everyone posts, hell i wish after reading some of the crap on these boards that there were a few that shouldnt be able to post.
Maybe we should delete accounts that obviously have too much time and post useless posts :huh:

not pointing no fingers of course B)
hey Bonks, [not pointing no fingers of course ]

That's a double-negative, so that means you are pointing fingers :D

btw, this is really dumb, but how do you create a quote? when i press quote, all i get is
ok, thanks

<quote>not pointing no fingers of course</quote>

what did you think of your double-negative bonks?

HEY, my quote didn't work. did i do it right?
1. You could use the QUOTE button to quote, as well :) (top of all posts)

2. Registering gives you unread post tracking (as woogal pointed out) plus topic subscriptions, etc... also they might post later and being pre-registered makes it convenient.
Bonks posted on Oct 16 2003 at 12:23 PM said:
Maybe we should delete accounts that obviously have too much time and post useless posts :huh:

not pointing no fingers of course B)
*Dolfhin thinks about pointing a feet to himself :D*

Well anyway the account aren't used anymore and who know? Removing them might speed up the forum or maybe even less crashes :-P I would say remove them
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Removing them would cause a negligible speed increase on the SQL server, perhaps actually none at all if it is indexed well. Oh, and maybe shave off 1 meg or so of hard drive space. It's hardly worth the annoyance is causes for anyone who is actually using the accounts. Maybe stripping out all accounts that haven't been used for 60 days would be a good idea :)