dedicated USB OTG mouses (check for interest..)


Active Member
Jul 27, 2009
Tokyo, Japan
So I was looking around on eBay and it seems there is no such thing...

I want just a simple USB mouse that has a usb otg straight into the pandoras OTG port, no adapter and 2m cable.

so I found this:

and though I could make my own, I'm good at soldering. but since I only found the connectors in batches of 10 minimum, why not buy some more mouses, and offer them up here?

so, I'm looking at selling 9 of these, for about 15eur each and shipping. if enough people are interested I'll go ahead with it.

if you're interested leave a message below, you can specify the length you want on the cable too ofcourse.
So I was looking around on eBay and it seems there is no such thing...

I want just a simple USB mouse that has a usb otg straight into the pandoras OTG port, no adapter and 2m cable.

so I found this:

and though I could make my own, I'm good at soldering. but since I only found the connectors in batches of 10 minimum, why not buy some more mouses, and offer them up here?

so, I'm looking at selling 9 of these, for about 15eur each and shipping. if enough people are interested I'll go ahead with it.

if you're interested leave a message below, you can specify the length you want on the cable too ofcourse.
Id be interested, but I cant commit until I see them completed and working
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not asking for any commitments here, just to check how many would be interested. I don't have a budget to just go ahead and buy everything and then sell to a loss.

It would be fairly simple, from a technical view it would be the exact same as an adapter + mouse. just that I cut off the usb connector and put a male mini b instead. and bridge pin 4+5 on this side to make the pandy recognise it as a usb-otg "adapter" and put it in host mode.
I'd be interested in 2 if you make them :)

I'm going to get a pandora soon for me and my wife. But the'd also work with my tablet without the need for the OTG adaptor that i've lossed and replaced about 10 times lol

PM me if you decide to sell
Really, you should get mini-A connectors.

All types of USB-B are for plugging into slave devices.
I haven't managed to find a good supply of any. ebay has none. for the purpose though a mini b should work just as well. all the OTG adapers I've seen use a mini b plug.
I live in the states and I don't have a pandora, (yet... the gears are turning!) I would say go for it. I'm pretty sure if you threw up an ad in trading people would inquire.  If I had the money and a pandora i'd go for one.
Perhaps some member here ought to buy a batch and sell them. It probably wouldn't turn much profit.
It works, It's electrically the same so my guess it really doesn't matter since we have an A/B port.
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The only thing I read on this is that B or A signifies the direction of the host/slave relationship, with A being the other way round from the norm. The supposed A cable that I bought thats apparently B didn't work.
Well I found a cable with micro-A male plug and tried it on the Pandora, doesn't seem to like to fit well. Is it really is an A/B plug? or just a B?

Edit: changed sentence to keep the perverts from commenting.
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Well I found a cable with micro-A male plug and tried it on the Pandora, doesn't seem to like to fit well. Is it really is an A/B plug? or just a B?

Edit: changed sentence to keep the perverts from commenting.
"micro"Unless that's a typing mistake, then here you have your problem: it's a mini port.

Unless that's a typing mistake, then here you have your problem: it's a mini port.
Not really a typing mistake, slip of the mind typed out. My prior responses stated mini and I was well aware I meant mini.
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Right, I've got at the Hama cable and I have succeeded in getting something to work through the OTG port... however in general this is a failure.

The Hama cable again has black plastic on the mini-A connector end, which should signify mini-B.. but clearly it doesn't any more.

Plugging anything in to the adaptor straight (Yubikey, mouse, keyboard) all failed - it was only after hooking up a powered USB hub that I got the mouse to work. This is no good for me - I was expecting to not have to use a hub to use this port, and the requirement for it to be powered completely kills the thing (no safe way to get a power cable where I use the Pandora).

So, I'm back at the starting point - I only looked into the OTG port as the normal USB-A port has become 'loose' somehow - connected devices have started to routinely cut out, have to push the connector into a corner of the port to keep devices connected...