Decent Fps

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Still Fresh
Aug 15, 2008
There are some great FPSs out there, but all the opensource ones seem to cater for multi player deathmatch modes.
Are there any FPSs out there with a great single player mode, that could be ported to the pandora?
not exactly some new and refreshing content. But there is a team currently working on openMoHaa, an opensource engine that can run the original mohaa pak files.
With this you will be able to play the Mohaa singleplayer campaign, and most likely spearhead and breaktrough too.
the engine is far from done tho, and then someone has to port it to the pandora
So don't expect this to happen in the first year or so :P
Duke Nukem Forever is the greatest FPS you will ever play. If you're not already dead by the time you get to play it, you will be shortly after.
+1 for Quake 2
Not impossible (even on the hardest difficulty) and still just challenging enough. Curse you hyperblaster! Curse you to hell!
+1 for the Marathon series as well
It's extremely oldschool, but the story is top notch. The engine is actually better then classic Doom because it supports true 3D spaces (i.e. floors above floors)
schnitzelboy said:
ithought duke nukem forever wasn't out yet, you know all the complaint about it never coming out?
Yes. That was the joke. Hence the comment about being dead or almost dead when you play it. Double entendre, two meanings: dead because it's just that good, and dead because of old age.
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I still love the first Quake. It depends what kind of games you like though. "FPS is not FPS."
And with the mapping community still being strong and delivering awesome singleplayer maps today, it never gets boring.
If there's any great single player FPS then it'd be like as if I only lived a HALF-LIFE meeting my eventual DOOM and gone up into heaven wearing a HALO

(sorry I couldn't resist :D )
Rise of the Triad - freakin' excellent!

Blood - as far as I know this is now open source? I would also love to see Blood 2 but I don't think SC has been released :( ... a lot of people did not like the sequel but I loved it!
I would like to see Unreal and Unreal II ported to the Pandora i think the source code is out for it and maybe the unreal tournament games also.
0wnage said:
I would like to see Unreal and Unreal II ported to the Pandora i think the source code is out for it and maybe the unreal tournament games also.
The source hasn't been released, well at least not enough of it to make a port :(
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sataniC Virus said:
Rise of the Triad - freakin' excellent!

Blood - as far as I know this is now open source? I would also love to see Blood 2 but I don't think SC has been released :( ... a lot of people did not like the sequel but I loved it!
No, blood is sadly not open-source. It's even worse... they wanted to make it open-source but the code is completely lost.

There is Transfusion though, a reimplementation of Blood's multiplayer and partially singleplayer with the quake engine.

Oh and Unreal? FFS people!!! How many times do I have to repead myself around here?

There are also some people working on a reimplementation of the Thief1&2 and SystemShock2 engine, but it is still very unfinished.
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No, blood is sadly not open-source. It's even worse... they wanted to make it open-source but the code is completely lost.

Thanks for confirming, bad news though :( I thought I read somewhere before that Blood was open source, but if the code is now missing that will never happen ... All well, Pandora will have plenty other cool games though :)
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Wolfenstein 3d, and theres a couple of MAME games that are kind of FPS...On a side note, do you think anyone would port MESS to the pandora, or would it be to big a task?
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