I'm currently trying to debug a program that locks up after a while (see here and here). I have a basic working debugging setup, but I'm missing a lot of symbols and also I get corrupted backtraces at a certain point.
My question is how to get symbols for the system libraries (libc, syscalls etc.)... is it even possible without rebuilding all the libs and putting them in the Wiz fs?
Here is my setup so far: I basically took the USBSerial package and replaced the part where getty is started with gdbserver (instead of gdb from the official SDK I'm currently using a self-compiled gdb 7.1):
After launching the script on the Wiz, I start gdb on the PC:
My question is how to get symbols for the system libraries (libc, syscalls etc.)... is it even possible without rebuilding all the libs and putting them in the Wiz fs?
Here is my setup so far: I basically took the USBSerial package and replaced the part where getty is started with gdbserver (instead of gdb from the official SDK I'm currently using a self-compiled gdb 7.1):
/path/to/gdbserver --multi /dev/ttyG0
$ arm-linux-gdb
(gdb) target extended-remote /dev/ttyUSB0
(gdb) set solib-search-path /path/to/<copy of /lib from Wiz fs>:/path/to/<Toolchain libs from GPH-SDK>
(gdb) set remote exec-file program.bin
(gdb) symbol-file program_unstripped.bin
(gdb) handle SIG32 nostop noprint
(gdb) handle SIG33 nostop
(gdb) run
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