Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer (now with added Mike Pondsmith)


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
No gameplay yet, but if this is representative of what they are going for.. I want it now!!

For those that don't know, it's a forthcoming game from CDPROJEKTRED (dev's that take their RPG's seriously) so if you've even a passing interest..

Accompanying blurb:

"it’s now possible to stream another person’s experience - their thoughts, emotions and sensations - straight into your own neural system via special brain augmentations. This ultimate form of escapism, or  “braindancing”, has reduced the lower-rung of society to junkies, who choose to swap their own squalid reality for another, better life, while those looking for illicit kicks plug themselves into something altogether worse: the minds of psychos and serial killers"
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Braindance is very similar to Strange Days film.

I hope they will use a engine that supports Linux.
Trailer looks great, but content is somehow confusing, especialy the ending. I guess we have to play the game to find out the details and what's actualy happens there. ^^
Oh man, after yesterday's announcement that Cyberpunk 2077 is being further delayed to September 2020, I did a search for it on these forums and just realized we've already been waiting seven years.

See everyone, there are some things that take even longer than Pyra to develop.
GOTY 2020
It seems to be losing ground in that regard. But with a little luck it could still be.

Funny how they originally planned it for next gen, then pushed it onto current gen to make money faster, only to delay it until after the next gen consoles come out. Sheesh.
I'm looking at that game to be one of my first purchases after the PS5 - it's going to be somewhat limited on the PS4 in comparison I reckon anyway (especially the PS4-non-pro).
Best version of that trailer:

Yesterday Cyberpunk 2077 has reached the top 50 bestselling games of all times on GOG. That means that it has sold more copies than 98.7% of GOG's catalogue.
Considering that it's a pre-order and doesn't even exist yet this is something.
Game delayed further to December 10th.

I think I would've delayed it even further if I were them, given how bad all these reports of crunch are making them look.
Current situation... Took me a sec there, but I guess you're referring to COVID-19.

Yeah, it'll be a feat if they get it out in hard mode 2020.
It must be really difficult to release a new game, for a company that has at his shoulder an hit like "The Witcher 3"... the expectations alone could kill their new game in a flash after release... it really must be perfectly polished at launch.

"The Witcher 3" is one of those games that, while still having a lot of glitches and bugs, those are so minimal compared to the immensity of the gameplay that people just don't mind, and becomes normal to even forget of their existence...
I want more games like this.