

Still Fresh
May 22, 2003
I was thinking that a port of CyberDogs would be cool.
Not sure if any of you remember or played this game.
It was a top-down "walk around and shoot the baddies"
type of game. It included a bunch of weapons you could
buy before every round and it supported two player
split screen co-op (no i know that wouldnt be good for
the gp32 :P ) but it also included a level editor too.
Its worth a play if you can find it or its sequal C-dogs.

But this is all just me dreaming, its what i do when
im hyped up on caffene and sugar :blink:
I agree, that would kick ass (if i can ever get my GP32 working!! :angry: ) It dosent need too much for hardware i dont think, is the source relised?
It looks as if someone would need to either create new graphics for this game, or else ask for permission from the owner. According to the page with the sources:

I've decided to release the C-Dogs source publically. Do with it what you wish, but please bear in mind that the graphics are still mine.
I think that would mean that the graphics are included, but you need to ask permission or no, no... :P
basically he doesn't want you to make new games using his gfx, or rip the gfx for something else.
ports would most likely be allowed.