Custom Member Titles - Will this feature be enabled?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I'm just curious whether there's a reason that custom member titles are disabled on this forum. (I rather miss being able to put bizarre stuff in mine, and occasionally getting confused PMs from bewildered onlookers about it. :lol: )

Seriously, though, will they be enabled at any point, or are they disabled for the purpose of making the board look more professional? If it's the latter, I perfectly understand that. Otherwise, I'm just wondering why they're absent. :P
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Your bizarre stuff has inspired more than one member's title :)

Prometheus said:
How does any emulator get written in the first place? I mean, they don't pop out of the Magic Emulator Fairy, heh. ;)
Well, it's about as plausible as N64 emulators coming from a 14-year-old kid, or some guy's imaginary friend named Rolf. And quite a few people actually believed that...
Well, it's about as plausible as N64 emulators coming from a 14-year-old kid
Oh, I could believe a 14 year old might be clever enough to write an emulator. I've met some surprisingly smart kids with too much time on their hands.

A 14 year old that claims to have written it as an interpreter and has no idea what a dynamic recompiler is, on the other hand...