Cross-compile on 64bit Linux machine?

Interesting. I wonder if I could use this without too much frustration :-).
So this script gets the compiler up and running... but then there's all the dependencies (stuff in /include and /lib). Any best practices/dirty tricks for accumulating these quickly?-) Simply copying them over from the Pandora messes up paths, right?

(Background: My last crosscompiling project was done at work a loooooong time ago: Windows x86 build host --> Linux ARM host... abominal experience... I mostly remember staying late in the office so I could rant, curse and give my (CRT :-) ) monitor the finger without bothering colleagues.)
Interesting. I wonder if I could use this without too much frustration :).
So this script gets the compiler up and running... but then there's all the dependencies (stuff in /include and /lib). Any best practices/dirty tricks for accumulating these quickly?-) Simply copying them over from the Pandora messes up paths, right?

(Background: My last crosscompiling project was done at work a loooooong time ago: Windows x86 build host --> Linux ARM host... abominal experience... I mostly remember staying late in the office so I could rant, curse and give my (CRT :) ) monitor the finger without bothering colleagues.)
My personnal way for that is to use codeblocks.pnd on my Linux machine. I mount it at the same mount point it would be on the Pandora (/mnt/utmp/codeblocks), using the same mecanism as on the pandora (unionfs, to have writable permisison, but plain extraction can work too). Then you need to replace all the link to /usr/lib and /lib by actual lib from the Pandora. It works pretty well.