Cromozome V0.5


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005

Basically I have tracked down some bugs and squashed them! Now the CromoZomes can get very long and the points very high!

This is more of a test release but hopefully it's still fun!

I took some suggestions from the GBAX compo thread and got rid of the mutation and plague pauses that were happening.

NOTE: I would still like if someone would like to officially redo the graphics. I'm not an artist so I'm sure someone can do something better than what I can!

Anyway for now here are the links:
CromoZome V0.5
CromoZome Wiki Page

EDIT: We have source!
The game looks interesting, however it crashes quickly for me. Couldn't play more than a few seconds :p I tried four times, the crash happens when the creature collides with another (AI) creature. It immediately returns to the menu.

Edit: I have looked at the source, but I'm unfamiliar (understatement) with C++. I suppose something is wrong in Sprite::hasCollided, but I'm probably wrong. Anyone else experienced a crash?
Sorry! The crash didn't occur in my prerelease tests!
I have replicated a crash now(not sure if it's the same one yet) So I will certainly look into it.

It should be possible to play a game without it crashing, since I managed to get a release out...

I don't use Sprite::hasCollided() since I just do distance formula in each partition of the screen. The hasCollided function in the Sprite object is a different type of collision detection which as I type this, I don't even know if I have written any code for it!

EDIT: Sorry that function IS just the distance formula... But I think it became more useful to do the calculations outside of the sprite object...
PokeParadox said:
It should be possible to play a game without it crashing, since I managed to get a release out...
Yup, that's right, as long as the snake doesn't collide with others :)
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Sebastian said:
PokeParadox said:
It should be possible to play a game without it crashing, since I managed to get a release out...
Yup, that's right, as long as the snake doesn't collide with others :)

Ha ha, not quite what I meant. I mean if you eat the CromoZomes from the side or back it is less likely to crash out.
I think the bug is something to do with collisions head-on... still investigating...

So apart from this obvious and annoying bug... anyone have an ideas on what else to do with the game? ;)
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now it almost seems like its impossible to die. at least from the last time i tried it. balance still need to be tweaked. the speed is much better though and i like having the animations instead of the pause when mutations happen. makes things feel much smoother
Yes it's tough getting the balance right! But you can definitely die I assure you :)

I think I let the snakes get too long in this version... I already have a tweak for that I think it's working.

I need more CromoZome heads on screen... currently I have long CromoZomes which just mean the player has more chance to eat! That's why it seems impossible to die.
Much better without the pauses! :)

I got to around 3400 points and the screen was flooded with cromozomes. How exactly do you die again? Is it when the cromozome you are controlling gets eaten up completly by the others?

The graphics seem fine to me. :)

Thanks for the update.
Glad we have improvement!

That's right... that's how you are supposed to die...

They seem fine, but could be better I think.

And you're welcome!

Also more updates when I sort out my IDE in linux O_O