cpu upgrade

Hey i think you guys should set up a bisc site with all this on, progress reports etc since i keep forgettin about this most interestin of posts

and please PLEASE get it workin quake at full speed even quake2? *drolls over keyboard and lap* :P
generalnmx posted on Oct 20 2003 at 05:26 PM said:
So to get a new GBA emulator with sound, all you need to do is soder in a new RAM chip.

...Do you think the average GBA whiner will be able to do this?

Just a thought.

The procesor is still way to slow to run GBA at full speed. If you want a GBA feel free to buy on.
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MAYBE if we ask REALLY nicely gamepark will give us the bios source code :D and a smc driver for linux :lol:
yea maby we all should send an email asking nicely to gamepark if they would be willing to give out this great systems bios source. heh maby then we might have a neo geo emu wooo hoooo. (i luvvvv puzzle bobble and mslug!) :D.

by the way havent gotten a chance to solder the new wire yet havent been home lately. heh i suuuure do luv my new flu it has made this trip so much better :lol:
I dont know the price but if you wanna upgrade you will have to remove the 8meg chip for a 32meg ram chip
the ref is : HY57V561620 (cf darkfader website for more info)
remember that U will have to solder the pin 12 ofthe CPU..
Good luck :)
See you ;)
hey washo is that text file official or is the info in it the same as official? because i dont want to mess with it if there are things missing or something.
Hi Firepika :)
I dont know if its official or not...
sorry about that :(
I think you should ask mr.Spiv 'coz this file is on his website...
So good luck & see you ;)
Dolfhin posted on Oct 20 2003 at 10:07 PM said:
generalnmx posted on Oct 20 2003 at 05:26 PM said:
So to get a new GBA emulator with sound, all you need to do is soder in a new RAM chip.

...Do you think the average GBA whiner will be able to do this?

Just a thought.

The procesor is still way to slow to run GBA at full speed. If you want a GBA feel free to buy on.
What? Gp32's cpu is alot faster than the gba's.

Plz can you give a better explination next time.
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What? Gp32's cpu is alot faster than the gba's.

Plz can you give a better explination next time.

The GP32's CPU is faster, but it handles every aspect of the system (audio, video, etc.), unlike the GBA, which has separate video and audio subsystems.

So while the GP32 has a faster CPU, it is loaded much more heavily than the GBA's CPU.

The GP32 just doesn't have the power to emulate the GBA's CPU, video subsystem, and audio subsystem at the same time at any acceptable speed.
dont expect the gp32 to be able to play gba games anytime soon if not never. the gp isnt quite capable of that yet with its current hardware. but im pritty sure snes emulation is possible and genesis also. Most of the gba games are ports of early snes and genesis games anyways