I downloaded the CPS2 emulator and game pack and it will not show up on my list of emulators. It does show everything when I look at the files on the computer. Any thoughts?
Now that I have the emulator working, I am finding that most of the games do not work. I keep on getting the error message "unsupported cache file. Please rebuild cache file." Is there a solution to this?
Now that I have the emulator working, I am finding that most of the games do not work. I keep on getting the error message "unsupported cache file. Please rebuild cache file." Is there a solution to this?
Grab the Wiz version, it has the utility to build the cache files.
Ironically, the caanoo has enough memory that a lot of games shouldn't even need the cache files in the first place, but capex was pretty much ported over almost unchanged it seems.
If they optimized it for the Caanoo, that would be hundreds of megs of free space for more games.
Yeah, in the romcnv folder in the Wiz version, there is a bat file. Just drag the rom over the bat file and it will make a cache file. If there isn't a cache folder in CPS2, make one and put the cache files in it. I believe this is the proper method. Anybody feel free to correct me.