Couple questions about the audio?


DNF (Did Not Finish)
Apr 25, 2011
I don't know where the best place is to ask about the Pyra hardware, so I'll continue here.

Regarding the audio...

1. Will we be able to determine if there's a headset plugged in? I know my work PC has an annoying popup telling you when earphones are connected and removed, whilst I'm not interested in the popup, knowing if they're connected might be handy

2. Will both earphones and speakers be available seperately as output? For example, keep some applications playing through the speakers, whilst others through the headset?
Maybe, but (personally) it seems silly asking Pyra questions in the "Ask ED" thread. If he or Niklaus don't respond here, I might post there
This seems more appropriate for an 'ask ED' thread.  I don't think anyone but him and Niklaus can know the answer to this yet.
I think this is the apropriate forum for this question. I personnally think they will at least detect if there's a jack in the plug since it will stop playback though the speakers (like on the pandora and is common with nearly all modern devices) if it's pure hardware or can be toggled I have no idea.
I don't think anyone but him and Niklaus can know the answer to this yet.
Even they may not know yet. In the last audio discussion, they were still undecided between two possible solutions.

The TWL6040 has two pairs of DACs and several independent amps. With it you could play sound over both speakers and headphones with independent volume (or even different audio, if software support is there). That means the Pyra would have to be able to sense the headphone jack via a GPIO pin, so that when one is plugged in, software can turn on the headphone amp and shut up the speakers.

The alternative is to mimic the Pandora: add a PCM1773 DAC and a TPA6110A2 amp, and have the headphone jack physically disconnect the speakers when plugged in. I don't know if this hardware switch makes it difficult to do jack sensing via GPIO, but it's no longer crucial or even particularly useful, so the team might skip it.
I wish they'd set it up so that headphone and main audio output were independently assignable as output channels - this would make it quite nice for synthesizer/music software to give the user the ability to use headphones to monitor what they're playing before mixing their new output with the master output .. 
On a complete offtopic sidenote, one week ago I used the pandora for music between three band performances, worked marvelous :) It's one of those little strong points the pandora has alot of. 