Couple Of Questions


Still Fresh
Feb 19, 2005
HI all im really interested in the gamepark. right now i want one really bad.but i have a couple of questions.
1.Does overclocking the gp really slowly kill it? and if so whats the estimated lifespan if your always playing a emu thats overclocking it to lets say around 160 or 166 mhz.
2.has anyones gp experienced any o/c problems? anyof the emus let you remap the start and select buttons?
4.I think its gbax .com that has the gps o/c for sale.They say there gps are modded and guaranteed to o/c to said speed. DO they use the voltage mod ? and if so has anyone experinced any problems with that mod i.e. gp blowing up ?
5.are drmd and snes playable at 133mhz and or will they ever be playable at that speed?same for any other emus that usualy play good at higher speeds.
6.last dumb question. does anyone know if or when gp will ever release those rockman,guilty gear and streetfighter games.that would warrant the purchase of two gps.

thanks if anyone replies to this. gp32_console

love that gp community . nicer than some of the other homebrew and emulation communitys ie xbox community . still love my xbox though.
1 as far as I can tell it has not harmed my gp32 at all to be 166

2 no o/c problems noticed

3 a good portion of the emus let you remap buttons

4 nothing blowing up - mine came from gbax and it rocks

5 snes is not 100% at even 166....drmd runs great at 166 - not sure at 133

6 probably never - but you never know

7 get a glass screen for it, they rock!!!
hey thanks for replying. i willl be getting a gp soon enough . yeah the o/c kinda scares me but since nobodys had any problems i guess nothing can happen
DrMD runs great at 144 MHz with sound.

Snes still needs a bit of work at any speed with sound.

I have heard of a GP32 "blowing up" while overclocking, It took off both of the poor guys hands, and now he only has two stumps instead of arms :o . Just kidding, I never heard of OC ruining any GP32s or blowing up.
there were rumours back in the early days that overclocking fucks your screen. but really the worst thing it will do is run your batteries out quicker :)

edit: apart from that one guy DaveC is talking about... but he tried to overclock his using a custom resistor set and a direct 240V AC input. i hear his eyesight is back to about %80 now though...
:) nice to know the genesis emu works . reallly had a bad experience one time with a handheld blowing up. just not in my face and it wasnt o/c related but still ....
That was Mossad. :P

(info: Israeli Foreign Intelligence, or Mossad, once assassinated a terrorist by planting a small explosive device into his cellphone. The story is, the head of Mossad at the time called the man, introduced himself, and said, "Listen very closely..." ;) )
The worst thing that can happen when overclocking, as far as I know, is that the GP32 restarts due to the heat. It's happened several times to me (only at summertime, though), but mines's still alive :). Oh, and mine's not o/c certified; it came like that out of the box...

//Talyz Prower
level3hadoken posted on Feb 19 2005 at 06:24 AM said:
4.I think its gbax .com that has the gps o/c for sale.They say there gps are modded and guaranteed to o/c to said speed. DO they use the voltage mod ? and if so has anyone experinced any problems with that mod i.e. gp blowing up ?

I bought a modded GP32 that was guarneteed to overclock but it doesn't - It always crashes after a couple of minutes. However, I am quite happy with it as it is as over clocking is not essential and I was too lazy to send it back to GBAX. I have bought a few things off them now and there customer service is excellent, so if you are in the UK I would definately recommend them
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Most games on OSNES9xGP are slow with sound, but a select few - Donkey Kong Country is among these, surprisingly enough - run pretty much fullspeed about half the time (my GP32 o/c's to 156Mhz, and Donkey Kong Country is fullspeed on most levels at FS2; levels with water or snow are slower).

DrMD is bearable at 133Mhz on some games, but I'd really reccommend 144Mhz, or 156Mhz. Again, some games run slower and others run faster (see my review of DrMD v1.0 HERE, and keep in mind that DrMD v2.0 is expected very soon ;) )