Counter Strike Using A Rf-link Module.


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Feb 11, 2005
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ok ever since i got cs i'v wondered if it was possible for a cs wad for the gp32 which uses the r-f link module for a multiplayer action experience. :unsure:

it would be amazing!!! as we already have a halflife wad and cs is like just a online version of it, on the gp32 they could be the same graphics music ect(half life wad), just be able to link up with other people using the r-f link.

would this be possible, using the r-f link module to link up???
kknd_cf posted on Apr 2 2005 at 04:14 PM said:
I asked something along these lines ages ago, but I think it's too much data to send for co-ords etc..

i have searched and i went through some of the topics but i didnt see anything about a r-f link module for multiple players linking up. :unsure:
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I don't think it be too fun

not sure if it would work but CS relies on getting headshots which I think would be hard on the gp32's pad. and you would also need side stepping a quick switch a way to rotate through your inventory fast and I don't think it be too fun but thats just me
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 2 2005 at 05:27 PM said:
I don't think it be too fun

not sure if it would work but CS relies on getting headshots which I think would be hard on the gp32's pad. and you would also need side stepping a quick switch a way to rotate through your inventory fast and I don't think it be too fun but thats just me

trust me it will be fun. :)

and for the controls. if you ever played ecks VS sever on the gba it has alright controls although not the greatest but work...

so the control system can just be cloned easily.
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charga_man posted on Apr 2 2005 at 05:31 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Apr 2 2005 at 05:27 PM said:
I don't think it be too fun

not sure if it would work but CS relies on getting headshots which I think would be hard on the gp32's pad. and you would also need side stepping a quick switch a way to rotate through your inventory fast and I don't think it be too fun but thats just me

trust me it will be fun. :)

and for the controls. if you ever played ecks VS sever on the gba it has alright controls although not the greatest but work...

so the control system can just be cloned easily.
That's a good game!
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i think i remember the discussion about using rf for multiplayer....was about multiplayer in emulators but nevertheless....
coordinating the games, collecting and sending the data would just take too much processor only rather simple games would be playable via rf....but dunno if GPdoom is capable of multiplayer vie rf...doom has a multiplayer mode itself
saintdragon posted on Apr 3 2005 at 02:11 PM said:
do any wads have multiplayer which works?

i wouldnt mind having a game of multiplayer doom with a friend.
No it doesn't, ask craigix for a reason.
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Seraptin posted on Apr 3 2005 at 06:04 PM said:
what about cs2d ? a port of that game would be funny :D

but a cs that was 3d will be better but not funny. :) and who would really like a 2d cs multiplayer game? not me but thats a opinion. :blink:
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