Could this be ported?

Well, it would have to be a clone of it, not a port.
Since it is a flash game.
Hmmm, in the that interview with the GamePark bloke, he says a flash player should be available by 3rd quarter 2003.... No sign of it yet though.

Looking at the game, doens't look it whould be too hard to do. Are the levels generated randomly, or are they set?
Vapourware!!! hehe.

Well at least they havent gone bankrupt, so they should bring out a new console out soon, when we've exploited the power of this out (when quake fullspeed is out).
not really the third quater yet, give it a month or two at least :)
ive just been playing that game for a hour... damn addictive!i couldnt beat level 16...i probly suck