Could Somebody Please Fix My Flu!


Dec 27, 2003
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It's been over a month now that my FLU has been broken and it doesnt seem like Liksang is gonna do anything about it so, COULD SOMBODY PLEASE FIX MY FLU!!!!
Why arnt lik-sang gonna do anything about it? What have they said. If it's within the 1st year, then they should fix it under the warrranty.

What have they told you?
Well, I sent a real nice letter to liksang saying that i had only had it for 3 months and that I would like it replaced or repaired. They replied saying, "sorry you only get a 2 month warentee." so i got pissed and sent a mean letter explaining why they sould replace it - they didnt reply to that one <_<

im going to contact mashmods to see if they can fix it.
geo if your warenty is over you should open it and mesure the resistor, post the results here, maybe you should also try to direckt power it
I would save an email, and send it to them every day that you dont get a responce ( tell them you will do that in the mail )
you should get a reply, I know I would
and tell them its under the damn waranty and ask for any proof that its not under waranty, and find a place n there site that says you are still under waranty

Harsh, i got my Gp from gbax and when my FLU broke they promptly replaced it and i found their service to be exceedingly good, im sure if u e-mail Craigix from Gbax as hes known on these on these forums he might fix it for u, but there may be a charge as u didn't buy it from him!!!!!!
Well, i always thought liksang had great service... maybe that's only in the shipping department. :P
Lik-Sang gives you a 2 month warrenty ON TOP OF your manufacturers warrenty. If it breaks within 2 months you send it back to Lik-Sang, if it breaks after that, you have to contact the manufacturer to get your manufacturers warrenty. This is what almost every store, both online and not, in the entire civilized world does.

So do NOT open your GP32. Call GamePark and talk with them.

The FLU isnt that advanced of a unit. It consists of a switch, a hot and ground wire, a light, and a custom plastic reflector screen. Now the screen is nearly impossible to find a replacement or find something else to use as a replacement. The rest, (the switch, the wires, and the light) are very easy to replace, and you can find replacements at any electronics shop (RadioShack etc...).

You can probably take it into any electronics repair shop and have them check it out.