Could an SNES emulator have in-game saves?


Still Fresh
May 28, 2003
Palm Springs, CA
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GPVGB has it, I would love to see the next SNES emulator have it. Save states sort of ruin the feel of playing games on emulators, good ol' in-game saves would be cool.

I'm assuming it could also be done on an NES emulator as well, right? Maybe I could suggest it to the creator of Little John, he may have it as an option in his next release.
HavocGP32 posted on Jul 26 2003 said:
GPVGB has it, I would love to see the next SNES emulator have it. Save states sort of ruin the feel of playing games on emulators, good ol' in-game saves would be cool.

I'm assuming it could also be done on an NES emulator as well, right? Maybe I could suggest it to the creator of Little John, he may have it as an option in his next release.
You could just restrict your use of save states to the points where the original cart would also save....
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Snes9x has in-game saves, so do the NES emulators...

For the former, choose "Save SRAM" in the menu before you turn off.

For the latter, I'm not sure... I think they're just created. But it might be a good idea to drop to the menu before you turn off anyway.
Actually, I can't picture save states being viable for SNES on GP32 anyway. They take up about 270k each and that wouldd very soon eat into valuable game space. Except if all games shared a block of 10 of them or something. In any case, SRAM by comparison takes up about 8k on average - the flash roms or eeproms or whatever that they write to didn't come cheap.

No real point to this, I just thought I should mention there's no choice but SRAM really, unless you're insane :P
I think all emulators could do with faster saving options(quick save), such as a certain button combo to save and another to load, just for those tricky bits in SMB3 when you can't be bothered to start the whole level again.
Off Topic: Does anybody know if intellecto is still working on snes9xgp? It's been awhile since the last release.
Far as I know he is. I think he's down to the seriously tough stuff now, replacing C with ASM code. Not nice, and takes ages.