Pandora Converting a Debian deb to PND?


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
Hi Chaps,

I've been playing about with PanDebian now I finally have enough free space to do so and I've installed squeeze then upgraded to wheezy and found that the excellent PIM software, Osmo runs fine.

Is it possible to take the binary from the deb file or from the PanDebian chroot and somehow package it up as a PND?

Does anyone have any experience with this?

I only ask as everyone that tries a native compilation has ended up with a binary that segfaults...
Debian has tons of inter-dependencies, so if you repackage the binaries, you'll probably get a segfault too.
The real issue is that the build path need to change. The debian binary expect it's data to be located somewhere in /usr/share which wont be the case as a PND. Otherwise the libraries is just a matter of using ldd and including those (warning if you include libraries like libc or libdl, remember to include *every* single binaries you use (like that cp you included in the startup script that copy default data and so on)).

But one could apt-get source osmo apply the debian patches (have a look at the debian/rules file) and build it using --prefix=/mnt/utmp/osmo

Be my guess :D
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Compiling Osmo on the Pandora isn't a problem. I got it to build. It just segfaults in g_strlcpy() from /usr/lib/

Might try and have a bit more of a play later. If not, I've built wxWidgets for my desktop, so I might look at writing my own... if I ever get time
Since we are talking Osmo here, anyways :) :

I'd like Osmo to recognize what time zone I'm in. It is supposed to do so, but it doesn't, and that means that when I import an iCal file, it shows all the times two hours off (I think Orage does the same, so it is not just Osmo). What am I doing wrong? And yes, the time and date and so on data is set for the correct timezone...
For info, I got Osmo to compile on .next, let me do some testing, and if it works, I'll try and package it up and see if it works on Super Zaxxon
Not sure if  i can fix the nand issue, it was a quick shot because of the lack of time. Maybe someone can take a look at it. I did set a "export HOME=/mnt/utmp/osmo" in but obviously it did not work.
Did you do anything magical with the source? I.e. is there a lot of differences between what is on the github and what is in the pnd?
Hmmm, the official page only points to the site. Maybe somebody just cloned it there. I'm guessing it's not "official"
As far as I understand the discussion, the development of Osmo had been dead for something like two years when some people cloned it.
Anyway, if I can get libgtkhtml2 built, I should be able to build a non-nand-writing version, if hondo fails to do it through scripts