Console Emulation On Console Section?


Still Fresh
Mar 25, 2011
TG here

I saw this suggestions section after seeing no topics regarding emulation on other consoles such as the XBOX or Nintendo Wii or even the most popular one for emulating with, the PSP.

So, as a request, how about a console emulation on console section?

P.S. - if there is a similar topic to my request and I have missed it, let me know.

Thank You
The kind of topics you're talking about are probably best left in the Other Consoles section, I think. We've had this sort of conversation on here before and there have always been worries over the forum becoming too unfocused.

Besides, it's not like the Other Consoles forum is so full of content that any topics like those would be missed ;)
Goity said:
The kind of topics you're talking about are probably best left in the Other Consoles section, I think. We've had this sort of conversation on here before and there have always been worries over the forum becoming too unfocused.

Besides, it's not like the Other Consoles forum is so full of content that any topics like those would be missed ;)

ok, that's fair enough.
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