GP32 Compiling


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
Just wanted to start learning programming for the GP32, but I have a little problem: I don't know the command to compile the code. :blink:

I downloaded the automated script to create the gp32 cross compiler from and ran the script. It seems to be installed...

I searched trough the forum, but I couldn't really find something usefull.
If you have a look inside each of the 'example.example_name' folders, you will see the source code, and a file called a makefile. What you need to do is run a command called 'make'. This will load the 'makefile' and use the rules inside it to compile the source code.

The 'make' program itself is found in the 'bin' directory (up one level from the example directories. You can either add the bin directory to your 'path' (the 'path' is a list of directories that the computer will look for the application you are trying to run if you don't provide the full path to it) or you can enter the full path to the 'make' program.

What I do is create a little batch file and place it inside the folder with the code I want to compile. I simply run the batch file to compile the code (by double clicking on it). Create a new text document (in notepad) called 'compile.bat' and save it next to the code. Edit it and enter the following text:
@echo off
Replace [path_to_your_bin] with the actual path though.

Then double click to run it

Hope it helps
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I would like to add a little question to this thread.
Does MrMirkos crosscompiler work with win98?
It doesn't work here, and i would like to know if it's an OS problem or just some other thing :(
I install MrMirkos toolchain and the SDK correctly (I think so...), and i set it's directory to the path variable.
But when I try to 'make' an example proyect, the compiler says : "fopen64 is not available in cygwin1.dll" or something similar. I've checked the makefiles and i think they're correct.
I'm using no ide, just the ms-dos prompt.
However, I'll install XP as soon as possible and i think there'll be no problem with that.
thanks :)