
dowboy posted on May 10 2005 at 11:05 AM said:
So do any SNES emus work on the BLU+? If opensnes has display problems what do other people use? And are there any updates on the horizon?

OSnes9x has the white line, therefore it is not considered working. All other SNES emulators(2) work, but are considered slower(too slow by most) unless you heavily overclock. Osnes9x v 0.1 is Blu+ compatible, but the newer version .3 is not.

I do not think you should weigh a buying decision on whether or not you can play SNES/Osnes9x, because it is only a small percentage of what is available for the GP32. Everything else works perfectly fine, and if another/better emulator is released for the gamepark, it will surely play on all units. And everything, with the exception of SNES, plays well on a non-166mhz unit. And you want, you can always overvolt and overclock.

Personally, I think the decision should be between a FLU and a BLU. BLUs look better in the dark, but FLUs can also be played while sitting in the sand on a beach, and still have a light for indoors (albeit not as good as a BLUs backlight)

Cheers! :P
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Thats the kind of reply I wanted :)

I think I'll go for the BLU+. Should I get the 160mhz from or wait for higher? Is there actually anywhere else you can get one? I always trawl ebay but its impossible to know an estimated clockspeed..
Just ordered a 128mb card for £11.00 and was just putting in an order for a 160 BLU on when I realised it didnt include vat, and thus on checkout I couldn't afford it till next month.. DOH!
I bought my GP32 BLU+ back in March, with my income tax return money. There's one thing I don't understand though... Almost every single program I've tried so far works fine. Little John plays NES flawlessly. GpMadMP3 works perfectly. I'm very amazed and pleased with Dr. MD, as it too, is flawless like Little John. I found a perfect working version of GP Cinema that works with the BLU+ without a white bar. Everything I use is perfect... EXCEPT OSNES9XGP. Why is that? Why is it that all(even though there's only 3) of the SNES emulators run about 3/4 speed at best with sound when Dr. MD plays Genesis games perfectly? Is there something I'm missing? is it for some reason harder to emulate the SNES than it is to emulate the Genesis? I'm not really concerned about the speed, as I play mostly RPG's, but that white bar really gets in the way of RPG's. Most of the time, the text is near the top of the screen, right where that damn bar is. Why hasn't anybody fixed the speed or the bar yet? And what did they change(and why) when they went from OSNES9XGP version 1 to version 2... and why'd they keep the change? I LOVE my GP32. It's the best handheld system I've ever bought, and I'd do it again 1 billion times, but would somebody please fix osnes9xgp? All I really want is for the bar to be gone. SNES9XGP doesn't let you save your settings, and unless I'm retarded, you can't save states with it either. Version 1 of osnes9xgp has no white bar, but you can't save the settings for your games. You can save states, but you can't save your menu settings. If a specific game runs better at a certain frameskip than others, it doesn't matter. It'll be at the default setting every time, and you have to change it before you can play. the same goes for the button configuration options and the option to turn the sound on or off. it's always in the off position. And it won't let you configure all of your buttons, either. Select isn't even on the list. I can either deal with the white bar and decide not to play some of my games, mess with the settings for 5 minutes every single time I want to play an SNES game, or just say "screw it" and deal with the default controls and play without sound(which I hate, by the way. The music is 1/3 of the whole RPG experience. Without it, you might as well be reading a popup book or something). Isn't there anybody out there who can remedy this situation? I don't see why genesis can be emulated so well, but SNES can't be. I hope that someone out there fixes osnes9xgp because I really wanna be able to play Seiken Densetsu 3 when I'm not at my computer, and right now I can't because the text is entirely blocked by the white bar. By the way... I've been using opensnes9xgp because to me, it's the best option. At least I don't have to mess with the settings every single time I turn on my GP32 to play an SNES game. It only has to be done once... but the white bar still really really sucks.

By the way, dowboy, don't take this post the wrong way. I absolutely love my GP32 and would recommend it to anybody who loves videogames. It was worth every penny. I just wish someone would fix the SNES emulation. And if someone doesn't pretty soon, I'll be looking for a FLU or Non-lit GP32 and use it pretty much exclusively for SNES. I won't have to deal with the white bar then... Oh, wait a second. That just made me think of something... is it possible to purchase the screens separately? And if so, can you still get the regular backlit screens they used before they switched them to some Taiwanese company? Does anybody know?
trooper posted on May 11 2005 at 04:24 PM said:
Paragraph, What do you mean paragraph. I can`t see any paragraphs.

</squints with all his might/>

Ahhhh, Yes, I can just make one out. :P


Yeah, sorry... When I type stuff on the internet, I tend to jump around with what I'm trying to say, so I don't bother to put it all into neat little paragraphs. It usually ends up being one gigantic glob of text.
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