Commander Beef


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
Has anyone seen him lately?

Sorry to do it this way, but...he has not responded to private email or messages here on the Pandora Board.

I paid money for a Pandora program, which he did, but then said he would tweak or update as needed for me...and some of the tweaks are still not done...and I have been able to get no response out of him.
Always good to do business overseas without contracts...

Why does that sound so familiar?

But seriously: I asked myself where he is lately.

If he has no time to maintain his free apps that's fine but if he sells and promises stuff he should at least answer imho.

Edit: Now why does that also sound familiar?

Hopefully nothing bad happened.
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He's probably in training to tear someone to pieces in a cage fight whilst simultaneously releasing a new PND of some open source, but with the letter X appended to it's name?  ;)
Just wondering if anyone knew anything.  I also used his email address, but no soap.

It isn't critical, because the app doesn't need to be totally ready for some time yet...but, it does need a little tweaking to make it more user-friendly, as it is now, it functions well, so this is not a huge issue.  Just something I'd like to get took care of.

So if he is on a bit of a sabbatical, that's cool.
^^^^ I would only consider watching the above video, if you can guarantee me that boy George dies horribly at the end.
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