Command Prompt Net Send


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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hi im trying to send messages to my sisters and dads computer by using the 'net send' command prompt thing but i vcant get it right. can any1 tell me how to do this please?

there are 3 different cpu's listed in my network connections, web (babae), dvd (dvds) and kims (music). the domain is mshome. mine is kris (unknown)

any help appriciated.

c ya'll
im not sure how it goes, i think it´s like "netsend NAME MESSAGE", or the other way around. You have to enter either the name the computer has in the network, or the IP.

but it wont work, if they got the message service turned off. Our school however doesn´t, that´s 25 PC being open. One of my classmates made a nice little program in qbasic, where you simply have to enter the NAME, then the MESSAGE, and after that, the AMMOUNT of messages :P (sending 1000 messages takes a while though)
You know what's worse? Our school had net send enabled for a while and it didn't take long for people to find out they could use * in place of the target. The messages they sent were delivered to about 500 computers, including the Headmaster's :)

Type 'net help send' at the prompt to see the full help, but basically

net send Rico hello -- send to a user
net send HOMER hello -- send to a computer
net send /DOMAIN[:MSHOME] hello -- send to a workgroup
net send * hello -- send to everyone on the current network. those offline will get the message next time they log on
net send /USERS hello -- ditto except it only sends to people currently on the network
Rico posted on Sep 12 2004 at 11:41 AM said:
You know what's worse? Our school had net send enabled for a while and it didn't take long for people to find out they could use * in place of the target. The messages they sent were delivered to about 500 computers, including the Headmaster's :)

Type 'net help send' at the prompt to see the full help, but basically

net send Rico hello -- send to a user
net send HOMER hello -- send to a computer
net send /DOMAIN[:MSHOME] hello -- send to a workgroup
net send * hello -- send to everyone on the current network. those offline will get the message next time they log on
net send /USERS hello -- ditto except it only sends to people currently on the network

LOL, a lad at college did that too. He sent a message saying "send me work wankers" or something along those lines to every computer, all students, admin etc. It took two technictations about 10 minutes to say "It was him". I mean, the computer name was in the message...
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