command & conquer 1 (DOS)


Jan 19, 2014
hey guys,

i found yesterday after searching for quite long time, a version of C&C1 that runs fine under DOS, doesnt require a CD and is low size (total of 32MB, including cut scenes and music from the demo). Now, question is: C&C1 dos version was as far as I know declared abandon ware (and C&C gold is free), am I right with this? i want to pack this game into one PND with qemu and distribute it to you :) would be good practice for me to learn more about qemu, linux and I personally want to have this icon on m pandora desktop i can click to start the game!
Be aware that even if its freeware you cannot distribute it as you like. You need permission to do so. Have a look into the readme/licensefile.
there is nothing specific written unfortunately (no copyright or license at all)
I doubt you can distribute it as you like. Is the version you found even and official version (I have my doubts) ? But int the worst case, you could do what ingoreis did with the "Dungeon Keeper - Qemu - pnd": make it as easy as legally possible
(I have my doubts)
I do share them too... they were released as freeware by EA, but I can't find any licence info and the download link aren't there anymore, they're dead. you're now forced to download on third party site where it's unsure whther they are legal downloads...
Oh hi,i which software do you use for editing PNDs?

I use ever the Windows PND Tools from the Froum here.

And Notepad++ for editing SH Files because Wordpad and Notepad did not work with Linux SH Files.

To create a PND with Command and Conquer and Qemu,just grab the GTA Qemu PND from the Repo and see what i did ;)

When you need Help can you just PM me,i had only often little Time Problems to answer ;)
making the PND isnt my problem, only qemu (under windows doesnt seem to work properly, no issue working with it on the pandora though!). my biggest problem is the legal question.

the guy who uploaded this DOS version i found continued working on it here: (this one wont work on DOS though). i just write him an email, maybe he can clarify things for me
Oh than this Information will Help you.
I use ever for making Qemu Images the Qemu Manager for Windows and adding then the Qemu 0.15.1 Version.
This is the fastest,stablest Version we ever tested on the Pandora.
All newer Qemu Version where much slower or had many Errors.

Search Qemu Manager Freeware and qemu 0.15.1 for Windows and bundle them.
With this Software is making Qemu Image very very easy ;)

Edit: The Qemu Version we used on the Pandora is 0.15.1 too then you have no Version Problems with this Solution.
However some calls are little little other but 98%of the PC made Qemu Images will work then on the Pandora too ;)
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not much news yet, only that EA mentioned that downloading from third party sites is fine (they mentioned specific sites though) and that they probably dont care at all. I wrote to public relations at EA (i guess best chance there that they say "yes, host it! :P ).

interesting though that Nyerguds (cnc95 at moddb) was even encouraged by EA community manager and got some of the files he released later directly from EA, so chances are good for a CnC.pnd :)

update 2: I found statements by former EA employees who said that EAs intention was that third party sites (not just partner sites) pick up the download and rehost it. Later EA removed the download after the files spread enough. So as far as I know, EA WANTS us to host this game :) im waiting a few more days, maybe EA answers to my email (i doubt it though) and will upload the PND then.
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