Release Command and Conquer Port

hahaha - or maybe more people are getting their pandoras and want to make sure devs develop for it :)

Money money money must be funny in the rich man's world :)
Like others said here:

DosBox Version is running without any bugs but its far tooo slow to be playable.

PSX Version also is playable, but without Mouse its not really C&C. (I hatet C&C on PSX, its one of the badest ports i have seen)

Openredalert pnd runs at full(?) speed with sound and working vids, but has many bugs in gameplay.

(Reinforcments dont arive, Units come out of radar dome, grafical glitches, random crashes after minutes of playing, units go crazy, ...)

... and yes, Openredalert only works with Red Alert and not with Tiberium dawn and others.

I will also pay for development for this game. Maybe 20 Euros?

Come on developers... bring the amazing world of C&C to Pandora :-)
Well, there might be other conversions out there - I've definitely seen a beta C&C cart dump for either the SNES or Megadrive (Genesis if you aren't european). Perhaps, though I haven't checked, there is a Mac version that would run on the Basilisk emulator (which I must get round to trying some time).

On the topic of crappy conversions, I loved GTA on the PC, but hated playing it on the PSX. Strangely, playing the PSX version now on the pandora is as good as on a PC... just cause the controls are great. I agree that mouse emulation in PCSX-Rearmed would be of enormous value.
add $20 for some major improvements in the C&C games, my first question when i found out about the pandora was, "does it run red alert 2?" so im in....

Money money money, always sunny, in the rich mans world
Skirmish works a little better than the main campaign in OpenRedAlert but again it isn't without its problems, more than enough to not make it worth playing sadly.

I would also happily pay for the development of this so that C&C can be enjoyed on the Pandora. To get a fully playable and optimised version of the Command & Conquer series on Pandora would be truly awesome. :D
C and C RA1 is one of my old time favorites as well.

i would be happy to throw down $20 AUD towards getting a bug and lag free version created for the Pandora.
Oh, a new release, will try to make it compile at the weekend and see, if it works better than my old port.
Oh, a new release, will try to make it compile at the weekend and see, if it works better than my old port.
Good luck with getting the newer versions working mcobit.

I've just found Command & Conquer: The First Decade in a charity shop for £2 yesterday so I'm rareing to give these a try when my Pandy arrives B)
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Most of them are freeware anyways now. You can download them from the westwood site.
Now this needs mono or .net framework and some other stuff, that is really slow on Pandora.

If somebody else wants to try to compile this, go ahead...

But I don't have the time to figure that out right now :(
Now this needs mono or .net framework and some other stuff, that is really slow on Pandora.

If somebody else wants to try to compile this, go ahead...

But I don't have the time to figure that out right now :(
Is there a buiild of mono for arm ?