Who the heck is Stephan Kramer?
And it sure did. Now it's doing things^^ Thanks you beautiful beast!That should help.
And it sure did. Now it's doing things^^ Thanks you beautiful beast!That should help.
Oh thats new for me..can i make a little sh with grep to change that automatic then i Type shtobash.sh?@kuru, try to modify configure, change the first line from
That should help.Code:#!/bin/bash
Also, be sure to have typed in your password when launching the Codeblocks Command Line.
On my Compiling Adventures...i encountered sometimes near the Same png16 Errors.Strange that you have this link error @canseco . You can probably temporarly fix the link issue by adding -lpng16 to the libs, but I'll also take a look at that yes.
#include <libpng.h>
#include <libpng16/libpng.h>
#include <libpng14/libpng.h>
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/gtk/gtk.h:32:21: fatal error: gdk/gdk.h: No such file or directory
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/gdk/gdkscreen.h:31:19: fatal error: cairo.h: No such file or directory
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/gdk/gdktypes.h:37:25: fatal error: pango/pango.h: No such file or directory
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/gdk/gdktypes.h:55:23: fatal error: gdkconfig.h: No such file or directory
Such config headers usually include stuff that actually depends on what was compiled into the binary, for that reason they are often being bundled with the library instead of the other headers (i.e. usr/lib/gtk*/include).but gdkconfig.h isn't in there at all
find /mnt/utmp/codeblocks -name gdk.h
pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0
Ah, so it is (I was only searching the include folders).Such config headers usually include stuff that actually depends on what was compiled into the binary, for that reason they are often being bundled with the library instead of the other headers (i.e. usr/lib/gtk*/include).
Yes, I see it.you will see that in the long list of flags, you'll see the correct -I/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/include/gtk-2.0 along many other flags
libtool: warning: '/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la' seems to be moved
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/bin/grep: /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la: No such file or directory
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la: No such file or directory
libtool: error: '/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la' is not a valid libtool archive
********** 10/12/2015
* gcc 5.3
********** 18/12/2015
+ SOIL 1.16
********** 01/01/2016
+ capstone 3.0.4
+ radare2 fresh from git
+ unicorn fresh from git
+ freebasic latest version
********** 02/01/2016
+ hack to enable ucontext (need recompile)
* gcc 5.3.0 recompile to have GO lang working (use ucontext)
+ d0_blind_id fresh from git
********** 06/01/2016
+ audiere 1.9.4
********** 10/01/2016
* valgrind 3.11 (to avoid issue with openssl, use OPENSSL_armcap=0 env) (to avoid issue with GLES, use --undef-value-errors=no arg)
+ valkirie 2.0 (Qt4 frontend for valgrind)
* SDL_sound 1.0.3 (all format enabled)
********** 11/01/2016
* SMPEG latest from svn
* mpg123 latest from svn
* codeblocks latest from svn (build 10640)
********** 16/01/2016
* xcb-proto 1.8 (update to python 2.7.10 from wxpython)
* libxcb 1.9 (with xkb and xinput enabled)
+ libxkbcommon latest from git
+ libxkfile latest from git
+ libfcitx
********** 16/01/2016
* openal-soft latest from git (with alsa, oss and portaudio backend)
********** 28/02/2016
* openal-soft latest from git (plus some Neon optim for Lerp32 and disabling UHL filter)
+ jsoncpp latest from git
+ metakit latest from git
********** 06/03/2016
+ byacc latest version
+ libbsd latest from git
* SDL2 latest from hg, without link to libGL
********** 29/03/2016
+ CGMlib latest from git
********** 06/04/2016
* codeblocks latest from svn
********** 18/04/2016
* libpng 1.6.21
* Qt 5.6.0 but it seems WebEngine is not working (fortunatly, WebKit still works)
********* 02/05/2016
* gcc 6.1.0
********* 18/06/2016
* openssl 1.02h
* sqlite 3.13.0
* libpng 1.6.23
********* 07/07/2016
* google protobus latest from git
* Qt 5.7.0
* QtWebKit 5.7.0
********* 10/07/2016
* ruby 2.1.10
********* 10/07/2016
+ chrpath 0.16 a tool to alter/remove RPATH/RUNPATH
********* 23/07/2016
* libjsoncpp latest from git
* cmake 3.6.1
+ libvncserver latest from git
+ FreeRDP latest from git
********* 26/07/2016
+ libindicator
* json-glib 1.2.0
+ libdbus-indicator
+ libappindicator
********* 07/08/2016
+ loki latest from svn
+ raknet latest from git
********* 13/08/2016
* curl 7.50.1
* libpng 1.6.24
* giflib 5.1.4
* libtiff 4.0.6
* openjpeg 2.1.1
* libwebp 0.5.1
+ lcms2 2.8
* libgpg-error 1.24
* gnutls 3.4.14
+ qtchooser configured with qt4 & qt5
********* 15/08/2016
+ sdl-gu latest from git, with GL 1.x and GLES2 on SDL2 backend (untested, probably not working for GLES2 on newer driver)