CloneKeen (and other wiz problems)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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This was a straight forward recompilation of the GP2X version (although if anyone ever tried to compile it again it does not work with complier option -O2, this messes up the episode variable in the graphics latch, somehow it gets reset to 0)

Anyway, with my wiz and current fw this game is super slow, slower than the GP2X which is mind blowing.
My initial guess is that the SDL has the gph fix for the rotation. I remember WarmFluffyUK saying that there was a huge performance drop with it. Wolf4SDL also seems to have a 50% drop too, it just performs well enough to mask it.
That said if anyone is running with older firmware and it playable i would love to know (although the older SDL didnt work with 8 bit mode :-P, cant win either way )

That said, WarmFluffyUK also mentioned gph was coming out with the opengl rotation method. Shouldnt that info been made available by now. Wasnt there supposed to be some website explaining everything.
Someone with direct contact needs to bring it up again.
Its becoming frustrating to have to develop around gph SDL problems like...
320x200 doesnt work right, I would guess anything other than 320x240 will cause problems
11025 (and possibly other lower values) crashes the dsp sound driver
massive speed decrease

While im at it 3d isnt the greatest right now, flicker is gone, but ive got a bad 90 rotation occuring. Unfortunately my contact with GPH through gp32x has stopped (before the forum upgrade). Many missing textures and what not.
Hey Pickle,

I have contact with GPH. I going to mail them about this issue right away.
Is a copy of your post enough for them do you think?
Sorry I am not that technical with programming.
But sure willing to help, myself I have a latest prototype Wiz so I am not much of a use right now.

Just let me know.
I have a quote from GPH about the "tearing" issue, they believe this is also a software issue.

But soon that will be solved once the Open Game Content Store opens, which
will stand for FunGp.
In that site we will provide a library so any user can develop their games
easily so the games will stop tearing.

If you can contact them go for it.
If they can at least release an SDL without any rotation or whatever is in it now that is making it slow would be the best. I can live with the tear until they release the ogles solution.
By the way they may say its an software problem, probably what they really "mean" is that it is a hardware deficiency in the screen solved by a software correction.
If they can fix the other problems it would nice, but im not holding my breath.

(Off topic and not meaning to sound harsh) but why did you get a prototype if you dont have any programming background? Were they just looking for some people to test the out the existing software and usability of the hardware?
Sent them a e-mail.

Pickle said:
If you can contact them go for it.
(Off topic and not meaning to sound harsh) but why did you get a prototype if you dont have any programming background? Were they just looking for some people to test the out the existing software and usability of the hardware?

Well I am the owner of, official GPH reseller for the Benelux ;)
I want to know what I am trying to sell :lol:
To anyone else using vice (the PM was regarding vice), there is problem with it, it amy be vice and/or libcastor. I havnt had the time to debug it.
On my wiz it actually loads but its like it in the wrong video mode.
Pickle, while we are on the subject of Vice, do you have any plans to update the GP2X version?
hirolaser said:
Pickle, while we are on the subject of Vice, do you have any plans to update the GP2X version?

Update it for/to what? 2.1 is the latest version and thats what is in the archives. I think the gp2x version is maintained by project itself or at least they make a build, (might not work, which did happen once)