I can't seem to fire my raygun. Also, it'll be sweet when saves (or rather, being able to load savegames) are implemented. Regardless, kudos to whoever ported this. It's pretty nice already.
I know it's a dumb question, but you are pressing the jump AND pogo buttons at the same time, correct? That's how you fire your weapon in the old Keen trilogy.
Well, I guess it works on some machines then... but on mine, the released version crashes to a black screen on load. In any case, I have fixed the problem that was there, but it is possible that in some cases it might just glide through the problem.
Also, anything saved to the X slot will either overwrite the Y slot or crash when trying to save to two slots at once because this release I missed a break in the input loop so it reads X as both X and Y. *oops*
Well, next release will have a lot of AIs and tile attributes fixed that you'll probably want to have Right now the final level of episode three is nearly impossible to complete because touching any piece of the machine is instant death, rather than just the parts that are supposed to kill you.