CIFS in gigolo: DBus error


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
I got this error in gigolo when I try to mount a cifs share.

DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

I'm running superrzaxxon 1.76 but I'm sure this happened for years. Can't know exactly when it began but lately I needed this many times and the problem is becoming pretty annoying.

Does anyone use cifs with gigolo?
I only use cifs with mount directly I'm afraid. I'm not sure what gigolo is trying to do but I don't think dbus has much to do with mounting devices. I suspect it's trying to notify you about something maybe.

When I'm mounting my windows devices directly, I do:

# mount -t cifs //[IP address]/[Share name] -o user=[windows account email],vers=2.1 [mount dir]

You could try that and see if it errors. I sometimes get communication style errors, but it doesn't actually make the mount fail, so I haven't investigated it, or really remember what they were. I also used to use vers=3.0 but that stopped working for me after a recentish windows update, so I fell back to 2.1.
It works from CLI. But I think it's just convenient using gigolo, although I only knew about it on pandora. Always used an entry in fstab in my other computers but they are connected all the time and makes sense.

Can I manage this through scripts? In my laptop I use networkmanager's dispatcher and I love it. On pandora/openembeded is there a way to trigger commands on network events?

There are the if-up.d if-down.d folders but the system seems to ignore what I put in them. Maybe this isn't even possible on pandora.
As far as I recall, network manager connecting to a network device isn't an if-up event - the if-up happens at boot when the wlan firmware recognises the card and gives it a MAC address I think.

I'd be surprised if it's not possible to script network events on network manager, but it's not anything I've used on any of the machines I admin. I did use nmcli briefly while getting a troublesome machine on the network, but I reverted to arch's netctl once I'd brought the machine up (no idea why I couldn't get that to work on the install media)
Oh, so this script is run once at boot?

I was looking for a way to monitor connection and disconnection events. I never boot Pandora with wifi on.

This is another reason to want a Pyra. I need a more up-to-date OS.
Actually, on Pandora given the way it loads the kernel module to switch wifi on, maybe that's when the if-up happens. But your script, if it gets called then probably gets called before the network actually has got a connection.

That's just my guess based on my understanding of the terminology. You should get your script to pop up a zenity notification or something, so you can see when it's run, if it happens after X starts at least.
It writes to a log file all the steps. It's how I monitor it.

And never saw it running with network events.