Chu chu rocket????


Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2003
Has anyone else gotten chu chu rocket to run on the GP32?

Chu chu rocket has been ported to atari ST ( so it should be possible to play it on the gp32... right?

Its not that easy.... they released a zip called with 3 atari st files in it....

The question that I have is whether or not someone else has been able to get those atari files put into a .st disk image?

Does someone with more atari knowledge than I have know if there is a tool that allows you to put individual files into a disk image?

There is some software to make Atari diskimages. I think it is called MakeDisk. Another way of doing this is to install STEEM, an STE emu for the PC, then

*create a blank disk using steem

*Mount the blank disk as A:

*Copy the files yo need from your harddrive C: (make sure that you have the
ChuChu files in your emulated C: directory) To A:

*Rename the Blankdisk to whatever you need.

Using the Makedisk program is however easier, I will see if I can find the URL.
I think that should work, I dont have access to Steem at this moment so I can't try.
love chu chu rocket sounds cool as its only simple even an st version should keep most things accurate but, reading the website is says ste tt or falcon, with the lite version also supporting stfm as well, would the current st emu run it if its just a plain st emu, im going to try it when i can anyway, hope it works
The steem thing seems to work perfectly!

No problem to add the cut down STE version of chu chu rocket to a blank disk...

And the intro runs fine on the gp32....

I however have no idea what to press or push or pull or do in order to start the game.... whatever I press it still plays that intro tune and shows that chu chu logo....

Has anyone else had better luck??

I could put chuchu in a blank disk on steem but
i don't now how to use make_disk

please help

You dont need to use makedisk (makedisk is for making an image out of a physical disk in the pcs disk drive)

Once you have the files on the blank disk steem, just rename the blank disk
chuchu.stt and copy it to the gp32
can someone release a stt image ??
im to lazy to make it myself :)
hmm is it like the gba version, or is the grafik not as good as?
ok bye
doesn't look like it works, the front screen partially loads and has music playing, space should start the game after a few seconds, left it for a while with high fs and didn't go anywhere

shame as the game seems to have been done very well

would be good if castaway could be updated to support this
Why note write the EMU author (and depending upon his time perhaps he could look into it...) A long shot - but perhaps...

HZ :ph34r: