Chaos For The Atari St!


Jan 17, 2005

I found a freeware remake of the fantastic turn-based wizard war game Chaos for the Atari ST the other day, and its fantastic! It has samples from Red Dwarf, Evil Dead, King Of The Hill and loads more (which sound a bit like the intro sample to 'Paperboy', it must be said) but the game is great. Identical to the Spectrum version really, but with improved graphics.

It runs perfectly on Castaway on the chatboard, so if you've got one it's great fun - just use QWEADZXC to move the cursor, S to cast a spell, and 0 to end your turn.

Anyway, if anyone wants it (I can't remember the site I got it from now) just send me an email ( and I'll mail you the .stt file.

Of course, there's always the chance that this remake is common knowledge and I'm the last person on earth to find it...

Grebn posted on Mar 6 2005 at 08:37 PM said:
...It has samples from Red Dwarf, Evil Dead, King Of The Hill and loads more...

Wow, samples from a Sitcom, a cartoon and a Horror movie? Super party mega mix!
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