Changing application title for menu.


Central Scrutinizer
Aug 30, 2012
Hi All

I am creating a different version of an existing game in the archives. I would like it to install a different name in the pandora/xfce menu. I tried changing all the titles in the PXML file, but it still creates the menu entry "Ur Quan Masters" instead of the desired title "Ur Quan Masters Easier"

Here is the modified pxml file. I am stuck. Help!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PXML xmlns="">
  <package id="uqm-070e">
    <version major="0" minor="7e" release="0" build="5" type="release"/>
    <author name="klapse" website=""/>
      <title lang="en_US">The Ur-Quan Masters Easier</title>
      <description lang="en_US">Easier combat version! Captain an ancient alien ship of unknown power and fight for the freedom of Earth from enslavement under the Ur-Quan. Along the way, you will see many alien races, some friendly and some not so friendly.

The Ur-Quan Masters is a port of Star Control II, which was originally released for DOS and the 3DO. It is derived from the 3DO version, but most of the features from the PC version are also present, making UQM a hybrid between the DOS and 3DO versions.

The Ur-Quan Masters also supports online play in the form of net-melee. It has been tested and works on the Pandora just as good as on a regular PC.</description>
    <icon src="icon.png"/>
  <application id="uqm">
    <exec command=""/>
    <version major="0" minor="7e" release="0" build="5" type="release"/>
    <author name="Fred Ford and Paul Reiche" website=""/>
      <title lang="en_US">The Ur-Quan Masters Easier</title>
    <title lang="en_US">The Ur-Quan Masters Easier</title> <!--Extra block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
      <description lang="en_US">Easier combat version! Captain an ancient alien ship of unknown power and fight for the freedom of Earth from enslavement under the Ur-Quan. Along the way, you will see many alien races, some friendly and some not so friendly.

The Ur-Quan Masters is a port of Star Control II, which was originally released for DOS and the 3DO. It is derived from the 3DO version, but most of the features from the PC version are also present, making UQM a hybrid between the DOS and 3DO versions.

The Ur-Quan Masters also supports online play in the form of net-melee. It has been tested and works on the Pandora just as good as on a regular PC.</description>
    <description lang="en_US">Easier combat version! Captain an ancient alien ship of unknown power and fight for the freedom of Earth from enslavement under the Ur-Quan. Along the way, you will see many alien races, some friendly and some not so friendly.

The Ur-Quan Masters is a port of Star Control II, which was originally released for DOS and the 3DO. It is derived from the 3DO version, but most of the features from the PC version are also present, making UQM a hybrid between the DOS and 3DO versions.

The Ur-Quan Masters also supports online play in the form of net-melee. It has been tested and works on the Pandora just as good as on a regular PC.</description> <!--Extra block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
    <icon src="icon.png"/>
      <license name="GPLv2+ (program)" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/>
      <license name="CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 (content)" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/>
      <license name="CC BY 2.0 (documentation)" url="" sourcecodeurl="#"/>
      <pic src="screenshot-0.png"/>
      <pic src="screenshot-1.png"/>
      <pic src="screenshot-2.png"/>
      <pic src="screenshot-3.png"/>
    <info name="The Ur-Quan Masters Manual" type="text/html" src="doc/manual.txt"/>
      <category name="Game">
        <subcategory name="StrategyGame"/>
        <subcategory name="AdventureGame"/>
        <subcategory name="RolePlaying"/>
That PXML looks fine to me ... at least I can't find the old name anywhere, where it could cause this ...

I don't know if this matters only to the repo or to the Pandora as well, but maybe the id "uqm" is already used by the other version?

Or maybe something else is wrong with your pnd and the other one is detected instead?
Thanks for your input, milkshake and x1212. Unfortunately nothing I do changes the application title in the xfce application menu.

I will upload the .pnd to the Ur-Quan Masters thread.