.cbr/.cbz Wiever For Linux Available

cbz files should be possible through zlib library, but i don,t think it makes sense on 3.5 inch display. Well, get some jpgs from cbz/cbr library and then try to look at them on gp2x...
imho it only would make sense if you could divide a page to jpgs that each contain one frame that would be small but clear enough to view on the gp2x... but it's too much work and doesn't make sense..
yes youre right one frame would be the best solution, but a realtime zoom would do almost the same

example: square reticle is used to highligt pages and everything thats inside its borders is zoomed 3x
Frame-by-frame wouldn't be practical, since modern comics often don't stick to frame conventions, having splash pages, bleeds, etc.

A fast zoom would be ideal.
mabey like the gp2x's photo viewer (i use that for some pdf's i made into jpegs) but a comic reader would be nice (since i do read and dl a lot of comics)
well, standard gp2x photo viewer has zoom (on select), very useful when it comes to see details in porn pictures ;) . But it is not easy and handy to zoom a comic page and using that joystick cap to fly over whole page.
You see, it sth similiar to peek through a key hole
true, but im saying a viewing of that kind would be cool, i would find it useful, so you could zoom it to what you want to see, i wouldnt find it troubblesome at all... then again i did like superman 64 so what do i know (lol)
A bit off topic, but the person who mentioned converting PDF to JPEG to view using the image viewer, what size was the jpeg and what program did you use?

I tried it, and the pages were roughly readable, but I'm assuming it's my program.
i modified a crude script to read .cbz .cbr on linux with gqview

#You must have gqview, unrar and unzip
#programs installed on your system.
#Wan Nor Arifin 2006 modified by Evol

#gq2=`ps h -C gqview | awk '{print $5}'`

#check if another gqview is running
#if [ "$gq1" = "$gq2" ]; then
# number=`ps h -C $gq1 | awk '{print $1}'`
# kill -9 $number

# else
# echo "gqview not running"

#Make temporary folder
mkdir $tmp_folder

if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Success"
echo "Directory exists!"
#remove the temporary folder
rm -rf $tmp_folder
#It is important to remove and recreate the directory
#since there are possibly some files inside the directory
#from script crash.
mkdir $tmp_folder

#check for file types

for file in "$@"; do

case $file in

#zip file

*[.][cC][bB][zZ] )

echo "I find zip file!"
unzip -j -o "$1" > -d $tmp_folder
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Success"
echo "100"; sleep 0.5
echo "I'm broken"
echo "100"; sleep 0.5
echo "Sorry. I can't open this file."
#remove the temporary folder
rm -rf $tmp_folder
kill $ppid
) |
echo "Extracting..."

#rar part

*[.][cC][bB][rR] )

echo "I find rar file!"
unrar e -o+ "$1" > -d $tmp_folder
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Success"
echo "100"; sleep 0.5
echo "I'm broken"
echo "100"; sleep 0.5
echo "Sorry. I can't open this file."
#remove the temporary folder
rm -rf $tmp_folder
kill $ppid
) |
echo "Extracting..."


* )

echo "I'm broken badly!!!"
echo "Sorry. I can't recognize this file. You have to rename the file to something that I can recognize. :)"
#remove the temporary folder
rm -rf $tmp_folder
exit 1
#open files with gqview
gqview $tmp_folder

#remove the temporary folder
rm -rf $tmp_folder
rm /tmp/-d

exit 0