Carmageddon Interpreter?


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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Would a Carmageddon interpreter allow us to play Carmageddon at full speed on the GP2X?

Help me out of my dream. These are the specs I just found:

System Requirements:
Windows 95/98 A Pentium P90 or faster with 16MB RAM, PCI or local bus SVGA video card, 150 MB free space on a hard disk drive, and a CD-ROM drive.

The CD-Rom drive is fixable with a "fix" :) But what about the rest?

I think he means either a rewrite/interpereter or a tribute/clone of Carmaggedon.

Do need either the source code for it, OR information on how the game data is loaded/used by the game, I'm pretty sure. The GP2X would be pretty good for such a game, as the software rendering in it was fairly easy going, even if you only had the minimum req's, you could turn up the settings quite a bit for a decent performance. With a few tweaks, could probably even streamline the controls a bit.
me dosnt want a port he want an interpreter....try searching for one on google mabey you can find something thats portable?

beat to it :D
Someone could 'reverse' the map / image formats and go from there? It's likley to be time consuming and SCi Games still exists and uses the license for a mobile phone version. Maybe someone should ask them to do a commercial port.
I ment an interpreter, cause I know the source isn't available. And since there is an Carmageddon 4 in progress I don't think they would release the sourcecode for the game.

But I didn't know you need the sourcecode for an interpreter. What about DOS-Box? ;)

+All the console versions suck ass, cause instead of people to drive-over, you need to kill zombies :S
NoidZ posted on Aug 15 2006 at 01:16 PM said:
I ment an interpreter, cause I know the source isn't available. And since there is an Carmageddon 4 in progress I don't think they would release the sourcecode for the game.

But I didn't know you need the sourcecode for an interpreter. What about DOS-Box? ;)

+All the console versions suck ass, cause instead of people to drive-over, you need to kill zombies :S

I will see if I can dig out an old copy of Carmageddon from somewhere. I wouldn't mind taking a look at the game, and it's data files. That game used to totally rock! I could just drive around for hours on some of the maps, trying to ram the other cars off cliffs etc =D I think the thing that made it fun was the physics, which were pretty good for its day.
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I remember playing the hacked demo, with no time limit. It was the best designed carmageddon level evar! I loved how you coul dto replays from the penestrian's perspective. They even ripped off Evil Dead II screaming sounds in the demo as well.
Carmageddon for the Gameboy Color... WORST driving game EVER! Was top-down, everything was small and hard to distinguish, the stunts were lame.

I took it back to the store after a DAY.
NoidZ posted on Aug 15 2006 at 12:16 PM said:
I ment an interpreter, cause I know the source isn't available. And since there is an Carmageddon 4 in progress I don't think they would release the sourcecode for the game.

But I didn't know you need the sourcecode for an interpreter. What about DOS-Box? ;)

+All the console versions suck ass, cause instead of people to drive-over, you need to kill zombies :S

Don't even bother trying to run Carmageddon in dosbox, you will get about 0.01 FPS, that is if it even runs... Currently dosbox is emulating something like a 8mhz 286
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Winterkid posted on Aug 19 2006 at 03:08 AM said:
So like Crosscountry Canada or MathBlaster will run.
Oh goody! :o

- Alex
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No question, Carmageddon would be FANTASTIC! I played that game for hours at a time back in the day. Seems like it would run great on the GP2X.

- Tommy