Can't switch back from full desktop UI


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2006

I'm having a new problem now. If I switch to the desktop UI and try switch back to minimalist nothing happens. Then if I try to log out I get the message "failed to receive a replay from the session manager Session manager must be in idle state when requesting shutdown"

I tried reflashing Super Zaxxon and but it did nothing to help. Any ideas whats going on? This has to be in someway linked to the SD card right?
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Are you using the switch GUI feature in the menu or trying to logout manually to switch?
The sequence of events goes like this. Switch from minimalist UI to desktop UI via menu. Attempt to switch back to minimalist via menu and nothing happens. After this any attempt to select the "log out" option in the menu yields the above error message. Reflashing Super Zaxxon (wiping the device) doesn't help, starting the device with no SD card doesn't help.

I'm pretty sure its not a hardware issue, its too specific. Are there any files in the NAND that would survive a reflashing?
I remember dealing with a bug with Minimenu that if you didn't have any PNDs on the SD card it wouldn't launch right.. but not sure if that was ever dealt with.
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Having the exact same issue. I started a thread too on this very same issue Haze. Did you ever find a solution yet?
Nothing new installed lately.
No new software runs.
No new firmware installed.
New 1GHz rebirth model...
Oh, you mean you had that from the beginning?

Then you should do a full reflash of your unit, seems there was an error when the OS had been flashed.
Same here with a batch1 pandora that I updated to SuperZaxxon 1.52
I did the full re-flash three times now.  I used the SD card method in the left slot while holding down the right shoulder button during the power on.  Boots from SD-1 and re-flashes.  So strange..
Thanks a ton EvilDragon.  You have always been so kind and helpful!  Hopefully, you'll find something to share.
Have you redownloaded the Flash Files?

Or used always the same Flash Files?

Maybe your Flash Files are corrupt.

Have you tried another SD Card to Flash?

I recommend try another SD Card and redownload the Flash Files.

Maybe you have so many Trouble and the Solution i so easy.

I hope the best for you that it work.

I renember somowhere wrote one that flashing from 64GB Cards can make issues.
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Hi ingoreis. Some good points. I tried two different SuperZaxxon 1.52 links. Each with the same results.
Yeah I re-flashed from a 64GB card. I will try using a 32GB and do another re-flash. Yeah maybe it's that easy? Thanks for the tips. I will report back.
Ugh,  no luck re-flashing from an 8GB card...

I changed my setting to have the Pandora boot right into MiniMenu.  Works.  I can change the UI from MiniMenu to go into XFCE, but once in XFCE, there's no turning back.  Definitely the UI Switcher program as skeezix suspected.   

Ugh.  At least MiniMenu is accessible some.  
I am also experiencing the same issue + same message

If I try to change to minimenu from XFCE4 using "switch GUI" I get this message

"Failed to recieve a reply from the session manager.   Session manager must be in an idle state when requesting a shutdown"

My setup:

- 8GB Sandisk Ultra (class 10)

- I am on SuperZaxxon 1.53 (used this image -

- I tried a full reflash using the steps from the first post in this thread -

- Then I tried another full reflash using this image -

No luck so far

Possible there is a link to a full reflash for SuperZaxxon 1.52 that I can try out instead?
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Hurray!  The issue seems to be resolved.  Install / re-flash / upgrade to 

SuperZaxxon v1.54 RC.
It did the trick for me.  All is good once again!  Hope you all have success too.