Can't start minimenu - any ideas?

Hmm, actually the Minimenu shouldn't have started with the above sequence (I should have said that explicitly:-) until after you manually log out of xfce.

Another experiment would be the following which should start minimenu from xfce by emulating the relevant parts of

$ echo startmmenu >/tmp/gui.load
$ xfce4-session-logout --logout

Since the actual minimenu runs fine only ~/.xinitrc (the lines starting from DEFAULT_SESSION, especially the while loop at the end) and /usr/pandora/scripts/ seem relevant (as skeezix said the gui settings just manipulates the DEFAULT_SESSION line in .xinitrc).

I sugesst adding some logging to ~/.xinitrc (e.g. replacing the line executing $SESSION with $SESSION 2>&1 >>$HOME/xinit.log, though I suspect it's not even getting to this point, possibly because /tmp/gui.load is missing) . This should give you some further clues to what is wrong on your system (I have a suspicion that there is something fishy with your /tmp).