Cannot install or make cmake


Still Fresh
Jul 3, 2012
I'm trying to use cmake, but opkg install cmake doesn't work (Cannot install package cmake) and compiling gives A LOT of errors and then says it failed (duh).

How can I download the opkg package somewhere and manually install it?
After running update indeed stuff started to 'work', but almost everything (like cmake) refuses to install because the rest is too old (it complains), so I ran upgrade. I guess I shouldn't have done that as it doesn't work ;) It segfaults (this has been discussed here already) and after it Networkmanager is dead ( has been replaced by I cannot compile Networkmanager either as it has needs a recent version of intltool :(

But cmake was installed after the upgrade but that's also an ancient version ; nothing recent works without it complaining cmake is too old.

So how do I get a recent cmake working without killing Networkmanager? And can I get Networkmanager back again without reflashing?

(Note that cmake doesn't want to compile from scratch; there are 100s of errors when attempting that)
Running opkg upgrade is indeed a bad idea. If you want to compile on a standard pandora OS, I'd recomment you copy the system to a chroot first.
Is there any description on how to do that? I know how it works in debian with debootstrap, but this being another arch and such, I'm worried i'll mess something up.
I just copied my filesystem from nand to a folder on my SD-card. when I run "sudo chroot ." while in that directory, and I can mess around as much as I want.
Ok, that sounds simple enough :) I assume you don't have a FAT32 on your SD card then :)

But I did all the messing around now in my root system and it didn't bring me closer to a working cmake; any idea how to make that work? Because even in a chrooted FS, I wouldn't have a clue to make that work.

And in the chrooted FS, I assume you are not using the development PND, but rather some opkg installed build-essentials ?
I honestly can't remember, it was over a year ago since I set it up (around the time when I posted a photo of my pandora installing Windows XP iirc)
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So far I did (all with sudo in front);

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1

mkdir /chrooted

mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /chrooted

rsync -av /bin /dev /home /linuxrc /sbin /tmp /var /boot /etc /lib /sys /usr /chrooted

mkdir /chrooted/proc

mount -t proc /proc /chrooted/proc

chroot /chrooted

and then it works fine. Now to figure out how to get all the dev stuff working!

so far I did;

opkg install gcc gcc-symlinks cpp g++ g++-symlinks binutils binutils-symlinks linux-libc-headers-dev libc6-dev autoconf make libz-dev libz1 perl perl-dev perl-modules tcl tcl-dev python-modules distcc coreutils libstdc++-dev cmake libstdc++6 libsdl-1.2-dev libsdl-image-1.2-dev

(i'm trying to mimic apt-get install build-essential with some extras)

I needed to run this line several times before it would actually install all of it (no idea why).
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