Pandora Cannot Git Clone Openpandora.oe.git


Still Fresh
Jan 16, 2010

I was trying to clone some of the repositories at I was able to get the kernel, but I could not get openpandora.oe.git. I have tried multiple times over the last few hours, and always immediately get the error message: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly. I was just wondering if there is something on the server side that has to be fixed?

Hmm, I can't contact the repositories either. GitWeb is down with a 404, the Git daemon isn't running, nothing works.

FYI, here's the ".git/config" of the pandora-libraries repo:
	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url = git://
[branch "master"]
	remote = origin
	merge = refs/heads/master

I will set up a clone of pandora-libraries, and maybe of the kernel, on my GitHub, so if you need something urgently, just go there. (I'm
Yeah, the SuSE update to OpenSuSE 11.1 somehow broke the git server partly.
However, only public access and one of those gits (openembedded.git) seem to be broken, the rest is fine.

git-daemon is running, the directory path is also fine.

Gitweb ( is working fine for me though.

git is kinda a nightmare to configure, there are no really good documentations found on the net and I don't really know how to fix those weird errors.
If anybody is there who could lend me a helping hand reconfiguring the server so that everything works fine again (via IRC or ICQ) that would be great.

EDIT: Looks like I just forgot to create some git-daemon-export-ok files.
Public Cloning seems to work fine now, we're currently restoring openembedded.git, the rest should be fine :)
The only git not-working right now still is openembedded.git
The HEAD seems to point to a non-valid source, maybe openembedded have changed something...?
GitWeb is at , correct? And you usually enter via ?

I've tried those two, and the addresses with a "-" in between. None of them respond, but they both respond to ping, so it's not a DNS issue. cannot work, the git is still at

But that one does work fine for me and various other guys I did ask... that's a weird problem you have here.
Anybody else here having problems connecting?