Can You Still Buy Commercial Games Online?


Dec 6, 2003
I was interested in buying the GP32 a couple years back, but a stuff came up and I had to forget about it :( Now my interest has returned, in fact I think I'd still like to buy one even though the GP2X promises better apps in the years to come. Anyways, back when I was interested in the GP32, I remember you could actually download the games for a fee onto your SMC from a site, and they'd only work on your GP32. Can you still do this? I'm actually interested in several titles.
And I tried contacting the companies about offering the download-games... but didn't get a single reply :(
Wanna be a wizard! :D Did they ever end up releasing the English version?

The poor fellow who translated it! :o
Captainbubby posted on Feb 9 2006 at 10:45 AM said:
Wanna be a wizard! :D Did they ever end up releasing the English version?

The poor fellow who translated it! :o

Nope they never actually released the english version but they did give the dude that translated it a brand spanking new BLU so not all bad i guess :P
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Well, I'll be selling Astonisha Story R soon on ebay. Need cash! Had a few offers for it a while back, but never got around to sorting it out. Its the full boxed version, so I'll let you all know once its up.