Can We Move All the "Best XXXXX Games" Topics Into A New Section?


Apr 10, 2009
Like the topic title says, can we move all the "Best XXXXX Games" topics into a new section/sub sections as IMHO they are not really 'General Talk' and might benefit from having their own section as well as not clogging up this section.

Just my £0.02
I don't agree these kind of topics tend to end, thats why I made a list topic (its pinned). Ideally they'll just end up somewhere on later pages and if people want to know about some good games they can get there via the link.

6 cents minus 2 cents = 4 cents
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The threads wont last too long anyway and the pinned 'gotcha of the lot' thread will be the equivalent of a subforum. How many good games are there afterall, CraigIX was right?

However I second the emulation subforum idea to stick these threads in, as frankly, then I wont know which forum I am on and my head may explode. I promise to catch that on camera for you all to enjoy.

Though my good lady may have to upload it afterwards! Time to teach video capture, editing and upload skills. Well learn them first for myself at least :P
I don't agree these kind of topics tend to end, thats why I made a list topic (its pinned). Ideally they'll just end up somewhere on later pages and if people want to know about some good games they can get there via the link.

6 cents minus 2 cents = 4 cents
Make that 6 cents minus 4 cents.
Rather than creating a bunch of possibly lengthy threads about this, it would make more sense to edit the wiki instead.

Besides, if kept around too long, such threads might encompass the entire game library of a specific platform.
It's up to ED and Craig in the end but in my opinion, if we add emulation then we have to add homebrew. Then we're on the way to duplicating everything that is on GP32X. When people voiced concerns about the community being split, the answer was that these boards are the official place for support, and GP32X is the expanded community forum. If this forum becomes a duplicate of GP32X, that answer ceases to be valid...
I think these are just a short fad that pops up every now and then, rather than serious definitive lists, they'll fizzle out and vanish from the front page. Generally the games suggested can be found by googling 'best <insert console/computer> games', so I think the topics are just a bit of fun, because everyone enjoys recalling their favourite games and suggesting that others should play them.
I think these are just a short fad that pops up every now and then, rather than serious definitive lists, they'll fizzle out and vanish from the front page. Generally the games suggested can be found by googling 'best <insert console/computer> games', so I think the topics are just a bit of fun, because everyone enjoys recalling their favourite games and suggesting that others should play them.

I also see them as a nice repository for emulators of systems I know nothing about and I can really find some nice games easily in this way.
Maybe they should be moved to Off Topic? They aren't really related to Pandora. They could probably be played with an iControlPad, and that's also where the movie and music threads are (as well as the two threads about games of questionable quality).

£0.06 - £0.04 + 2 cents + $0.02

Edit: Plus, Off Topic never seems that busy (edits are free, right?)
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Maybe we could move this thread into off topic. It keeps popping up and it annoys me.. It's not really about pandora right? :)
Maybe we could move this thread into off topic. It keeps popping up and it annoys me.. It's not really about pandora right? :)
But it is about the best games threads, which are also in this section. So if you move this then you'll have to move all the best game threads too. And if you did that then this thread becomes pointless and makes no sense. So if Chewbacca lives on Endor with the Ewoks you must acquit.
So if Chewbacca lives on Endor with the Ewoks you must acquit.
It's a good thing that Chewbacca doesn't live on Endor then, isn't it.

Also that Endor was eradicated and the Ewoks rendered extinct. Good times.
It's a good thing that Chewbacca doesn't live on Endor then, isn't it.

Also that Endor was eradicated and the Ewoks rendered extinct. Good times.
I don't remember that happening in the movies!

Edit: since this thread is about star wars, it should be in off topic! :)
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Look at that, another gaming thread popped up in Offtopic. And if we bring Star Wars Holiday Special or other movies that don't fall into the original trilogy (that's right, the first three) into this conversation, then it definitely belongs in offtopic.

I haven't seen the Ewoks movies (there were two, right?) since I was a child. I haven't seen Star Wars Holiday Special since I was a junior in college. [denial]I've never seen Episode I.[/denial]
Generally the games suggested can be found by googling 'best <insert console/computer> games'..
You'd think so but no. All that gets you is the same games on different formats.



Mario Kart


Final Fantasy

Etc.. Etc.

I know because I searched for the top ten games for each system and downloaded them ready to play through when my Pandora arrives. Those list never have anything original in them and tend to just go by the biggest sales for each game (and that tends to be the games that are advertised the most).

These threads are great and I've already found some real gems in them :D

p.s I also used Top Ten lists from retro gamer magazine too. If any body want a copy of the lists let me know and I'll get you a PDF :)
I know because I searched for the top ten games for each system and downloaded them ready to play through when my Pandora arrives. Those list never have anything original in them and tend to just go by the biggest sales for each game (and that tends to be the games that are advertised the most).

These threads are great and I've already found some real gems in them :D
I agree with this - I really enjoy these threads for the very same reason (also, I once wrote a blog post of my "Top 100 Games that can be Emulated on the Pandora" after seeing one magazine's excuse for such a list :P ). In fact, thanks to a recommendation by cazmeister yesterday, I bought a game earlier that I never even knew existed until the NeoGeo recommendations thread got going (it was Magician Lord, if anyone's wondering - it's available on the Wii Virtual Console service).

I notice with these threads (as well as with the movies thread in Off Topic) that we're all generally pretty like-minded with a lot of these sorts of things, and it's always nice to be able to get recommendations from folks who share similar tastes to one's self, who often seem to know of stuff that you might never have heard of otherwise. :P
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