Can Pandora Run Wine?

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Still Fresh
Apr 30, 2008
Can pandora run wine?, because I want to run some games from windows in the linux of pandora :huh:

While this has been mentioned many times before: Negative. While wine is Open Source Software, it relies heavily on the x86 instruction set. Pandora is running an ARM CPU, so Wine is pretty far-fetched at this point.
I want to know if it will run google because I like to search a lot and google is a good program to do that with please advise

Myth 10: "Wine is for Intel x86 only"
Well, it is true that Wine only runs on Intel's x86 processors. Unfortunately it will also require quite a lot of work before it runs on other processor architectures. But what do we mean by 'running on a non x86 processor'.

First it can mean 'I can compile a Windows application on Sparc, link it with Winelib, and have it run on Solaris'. I know, this is not what you had in mind. This may seem very restrictive and yet would be very useful: it means easy porting of Windows applications to almost any Unix architecture. In any case this is the first step towards allowing Wine to run on other processor architectures. Unfortunately Wine's code is not very portable to other processor architectures, partly because some parts of it have to know a lot about the processor, and partly because most of it makes assumptions like 'sizeof(int)==sizeof(pointer)' and 'byte-sex==little-endian'. This is being worked on though, and progress is being made albeit slowly.

Then we could take it to mean 'Wine on Alpha should be able to run Windows NT Alpha applications'. The prerequisite for this is that Winelib compiles on Alpha (or MIPS, the other defunct Windows NT platform). Now, would it be really useful? I don't think many people have Windows NT applications for the Alpha or MIPS processor. So this is probably not that useful and also rather unlikely to happen since we would need a programmer who has just this combination of hardware and software to work on it.

Then there's what everyone has been waiting for: 'I want to be able to run my x86 Windows applications on any processor architecture I like. That's the most complex one. Again the prerequisite is that Winelib works on this architecture, which will definitely happen someday. Then 'all that is needed' is to integrate an x86 emulator with Wine (and also change Wine's name :-). Ulrich Weigand just did that as an experiment some time ago when he had 'some spare time'. He even managed to get some Win16 applications to run. His code was not in a state where it could be integrated into Wine yet and I don't know how much work has been put into pursuing it. His attempt did spark many discussions on Wine's mailing list though. The result is that we would need a sophisticated emulator including a JIT in order to get something really viable (i.e. not too slow). And developing such an emulator is a whole project in itself.
Does it mean it will never happen? Not sure. Maybe we'll get some motivated developers once the Winelib problems are solved. Of course, it would happen much faster if, for instance, Compaq made its Fx32! Intel x86 emulator Open Source and financed the development of Wine for their Alpha machines. As with all Open Source projects, if enough people are interested and pool their resources together, it will happen.
OK lets get a couple of things straights about 'Pandora for people who love Windows'

0 - There are quality FOSS substitutes for every almost every common multimedia or desktop computing use- just ask if you want to know the Linux equivalent to...

1- If you're hoping to emulate modern PC games on a Pandora - FORGET IT! Ain't gonna happen as qemu and virtualbox don't emulate modern GPUs and even if they could, Pandora doesn't have enough ooomph to do it justice- you'd be trying to emulate superior cpu and gpu essentially

2- Virtualbox or qemu could potentially be ported to and optimised for the cortex I'd imagine, but you've only got 128MB RAM anyway so you'd be pushed to virtualise/load XP and then a big(ish) app eg office 2003 would be pushing it I'd imagine. Usable? Wouldn't think so. You'd be better off running windows 98 and sticking to running less demanding apps- but why when there are native Linux apps to do the same thing and much faster?
Karel Jansens said:
Senor Quack said:
I want to know if it will run google because I like to search a lot and google is a good program to do that with please advise
How is it possible for anyone to achieve GP guru state and still be this thick?

Karel do you have knowledge to something I have not? I need google running on Pandora ASAP, it is vital important
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what will be the among of RAM remaining on win95/98 installed in virtualbox??

16mb? more? less?

will i be able to run wordpad? (wordpad owns so much, that i gotta know)
no, seriously, I just wanna know.
(I've heard ur gonna get aids if u play a linux minesweeper-clone)
oh shit,
sorry dude, sounds like u've been doin it (minesweeper-clone) more then a pr0nstar (xxx)
hey, i still wanna know how much percent of its hosts ram the virtualpc will have?
Senor Quack said:
Karel Jansens said:
Senor Quack said:
I want to know if it will run google because I like to search a lot and google is a good program to do that with please advise
How is it possible for anyone to achieve GP guru state and still be this thick?

Karel do you have knowledge to something I have not? I need google running on Pandora ASAP, it is vital important how r u so stupid? to run google you need something like internet explorer and that wont run on pandora cos it is mircosoft product

edit: this means its closed sorce and pandora need things to be open source or it cant run the code sometimes
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As should be evident, Senor Quack is using what's called "intense sarcasm" to intellectually induce a conflagration in the whereabouts of the original poster. Seeing as the original post has a general whiff of troll about it anyway, though, and that this thread has the makings of an inferno in the not too distant future, it's now being locked.

OP: Just in case you didn't get it from previous posts, the answer is, in theory, it's possible, but practically, you'd be more likely to see Satan ice-skating on a lake in Wiltshire in mid-June.
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