Can Mplayer Be Ported?


Still Fresh
Sep 27, 2005
Just wondering i f anyone here knows whether mplayer will be able to be ported to the GP2X? It runs under linux, and as it supports WMA and WMV and these filetypes are not supported at launch would this be a good way to support thm or am i being stupid?
It already has been. The official media player from GPH is based directly on mplayer. Mplayer doesn't fully support wmv without windows dll's, which is why a lot of wmv stuff can't be used on anything other than x86.
Oh man, why not base it on xine, mplayer has stability problems on my notebook. Well, better not start a flame war, I use the mplayer plug-in for FireFox, so I like it well enough.

second exodous posted on Sep 28 2005 at 03:08 AM said:
Oh man, why not base it on xine, mplayer has stability problems on my notebook. Well, better not start a flame war, I use the mplayer plug-in for FireFox, so I like it well enough.


Another vote for Xine ;-)
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nah xine has more problems than mplayer :P

mplayer is the best movie player i know.... had much more probs with xine.
second exodous posted on Sep 28 2005 at 05:08 AM said:
Oh man, why not base it on xine, mplayer has stability problems on my notebook. Well, better not start a flame war, I use the mplayer plug-in for FireFox, so I like it well enough.


I'd wager lot of those problems fade away on 100% homogenous hardware. Such as GP2X, as opposed to a desktop PC...
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WoD posted on Sep 28 2005 at 11:43 AM said:
Nonsense, mplayer performs exactly the same on every platform irrespective of hardware and software changes!

Hmmm, mPlayer’s core might cross compile very well but don't be so blasé regarding codec support to get it doing anything useful.

One of the best sources of codec for devices like the GP2X will be the integer only codecs in libavcodec, Tremor, MAD etc. projects all of which mPlayer can interface with nicely plus any bespoke codec support we can cobble together for the GP2X’s SoC.

Our options for using things like the DLL loader support in mPlayer are very limited firstly because of the type and horsepower of the device and secondly the CPU architecture.
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Mplayer works fine for dealing with video files – it just sucks for DVD’s. Xine on the other is good for DVD’s, but doesn’t tend to run as well on modest hardware. For the GP2X I’m pretty sure Mplayer makes the most sense. In actually desktop useage however I tend to end up with either Totem or Kaffine for videos instead of Mplayer, but those are Gnome/KDE centric programs respectively.
Totem and Kaffine are both front ends for xine, they just enable features that xine's core has that xine-ui doesnt. Mplayer has a nice core, it just needs some better front ends. I'm sure the GPX2 will have a very well made front end for mplayer, but I bet it's changed quite a bit by coders or at least skinners if it's open.

Wow, being a Linux user it's much more fun to talk here and have people understand me than it is talking at the home-brew PSP and DS forums, most of them use windows.

since i use ubuntu i use most times totem (so xine) and im quite happy with.
but i also have VLC on my hd.

PS: but i use mplayer in my htpc ;)