can i play


Still Fresh
Oct 15, 2003
I have only had my gp32 for a few hours, so i dont know to much about this.
but i like it so far.. i was just wondering , can i play gameboy advance with it?`
if so , where do i d/l the emu for that?

yes for pd demos only, there is no emulator running games at playable speed.


shiteGBA32 v0.001
A new Gameboy Advance emulator named shiteGBA based on the sources of the PC emulator shiteGBA has been released. Dont expect to run any games at any playable speed as its very slow. Put the GBA BIOS gba.bin and the ROMS in the gp:\ folder.

You can download the release from the homepage here. Thanks to Craig for the news who got it from GP32Spain. Discuss this release on our forum post here.
vic20-ian posted on Oct 15 2003 at 04:47 PM said:
yes for pd demos only, there is no emulator running games at playable speed.


shiteGBA32 v0.001
A new Gameboy Advance emulator named shiteGBA based on the sources of the PC emulator shiteGBA has been released. Dont expect to run any games at any playable speed as its very slow. Put the GBA BIOS gba.bin and the ROMS in the gp:\ folder.

You can download the release from the homepage here. Thanks to Craig for the news who got it from GP32Spain. Discuss this release on our forum post here.
Thank you for a quick answer ;)
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GP32emu got it wrong.
The emulator does not require a bios. The demo must be called GBA.BIN and reside in the root of your SMC
ShiteGBA32 Emu doesnt work, just switches to a black screen and doesnt move, any other GBA emus? The one on this site isnt a GBA emu its a Gameboy Color Emu
VBA32 does GBA, too I think... But it was ported only for it's GB/GBC capabilities so the GBA code isn't optimized, and even if it was it would never get over 5FPS on anything except demos.

It's still a mystery on how Craig got Contra GBA working....
I think it's irritating to say gba has a "better" graphics chip, because the gp has NO graphics chip.
I hope it has, Otherwise i would love to know how all thoughs pictures and lovely graphics appear on my GP32`s screen. ;)

Yeah but I like alot of GBA games and it sucks not being able to play them
Sorry to state the obvious, But if you have/need to, Then get a gba.

@ Azure & Kungfucheez.
That may be the case, But as mentioned before, The GP32 (And for that matter, Pretty much any other system) would have to be on average 6-10 times more powerful than the system it was trying to emulate. But that does not goes for all cases. ;) (just to cover my back) :D

Well I didnt get a GBA cuase i heard of this, im not saying the Gp32 is bad infact its the best handheld device ive ever seen (well besides the zodiac) but its just kinda wierd how Gp32 GBA Emus run slower