gargo said:
if developers will choose between Linux and Windows, most of them would choose Windows, and so you will never get all necessary drivers for Linux on Pandora.
Well, I would've agreed a few years ago... nowadays, as Vista has been released, more and more users are switching over to Linux.
And I do know why, if I take a look at Vista. If we take the bugs and the weird wizards, etc. aside, it already has been outdated when it has been released.
I mean, it needs a recent PC to run. ALL recent PCs do run in 64bit, supporting a LOT of memory.
WinXP 64bit was a failure. Users did not use it as there weren't many drivers available at all. If Microsoft would've made Vista 64bit only, hardware developers would've released 64bit drivers.
Now with Vista, we've got the same problem again: Not many drivers for the 64bit version and the 32bit version can't even use more than 4GB memory...
Linux runs pretty well in 64bit with more memory and even supports a lot of hardware and even most Windows software... more and more people are switching over...
Anyway, let's not become offtopic, as we're talking about Windows CE here.
I clearly have no idea why anybody would wand WinCE on the Pandora. WinCE doesn't run ANY Windows applications, so it isn't useful for that - and it is slow as hell.
I've got a Toshiba G900, a Smartphone with WinCE, Intel XScale 520 MHz processor and 800x480 resolution.
Switching from Portrait to landscape view takes about 3 - 5 seconds. Starting minimo (mini-mozilla) takes about 20 seconds... it's even too slow to use the keyboard properly. While typing, it misses button presses because I type too fast. I haven't been able to run any decent emulator fast enough to have fun playing... and that's with a 520MHz ARM processor.
I can't see how this could help the Pandora... it would hurt it more, because people would say it's slow and sluggish..