Can I Buy A Re-order From A First Batcher Who Don't Want To Do It


Nov 5, 2008
Excuse me if it is illegal or unfair, i didn't realize that.

Is there someone that would accept my offer?

I want to buy a pandora from a first batcher that is able to reorder but don't want to do it... I can send you the money (obviously the cost of the second batch's Pandoras...), you could reorder it and then (OK, I don't know how <_<) sent me the prodouct (when it will arrive, of course).
I need to have it as soon as possible, because it will be a Christmas' present (I admit that the present is for me but my parents, that contribute to this purchase, say that a Christmas' present must be a Christmas' present and otherwise I cannot receive it....).

I'm sorry if my question sounds childish and if there is someone that need a Pandora more urgently or if my offer is immoral I will step aside immediatly...

Thank you :D

EDIT: I realize that I was wrong wraiting the topic's title grammar.....:)
Heh, you can pre-order with me by sending me money first.

Then, I'll give you an update or so every once in a while. If you ask me what the status is, I'll jump all over you and ask you what you expected for preordering with me in the first place.

Later, when you continue to be more persistent, I'll appoint someone to be my spokesman so you'll feel better about the same lack of information that everyone else gets. Just don't get disappointed with any delays.... after all, there's a global financial crisis that's going on and that's completely out of my control.

The problem is that there is no guarantee the pandora is going to be shipped before christmas at the moment. :(

Even if it does then the people who managed to get their order in very quickly will be the only ones receiving it. They are also the most unlikely to be willing to sell it to you I am guessing ;).
Chip said:
_VWV_ said:
A question to the PANDA team.
Just In case, there might be some cancellations. or reorder problems. So I wonder if some units from the first batch are left unsold.
And there are some, do we have a kind of a queue for the unsold units?
I'd really like to have one with 256MB of RAM. Though I do realize that the second batch may come with 512MB ;) Ubuntu, that's being ported to ARMv7 will work better with 512MB.
So what is the extent of problems/cancellations/etc? Is there any chance for willingers like me to get one?
There is no queue at this time. Any extra units from the first batch will be put up for sale, but we probably won't even start to figure out the logistic of this until those that are already sold have shipped. All batches for the foreseeable future will have 256MB of RAM, as I am not aware of any plans for 512MB PoP modules any time soon.

Chip said:
Username said:
I think they are going to be used as backups in case of defective units.
Some will be. We're making more than were ordered for this purpose. But there are going to be at least a few extra units that had their orders canceled. Those will probably be put up for sale once everybody else is taken care of.
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Fat Agnus said:
Heh, you can pre-order with me by sending me money first.

Then, I'll give you an update or so every once in a while. If you ask me what the status is, I'll jump all over you and ask you what you expected for preordering with me in the first place.

Later, when you continue to be more persistent, I'll appoint someone to be my spokesman so you'll feel better about the same lack of information that everyone else gets. Just don't get disappointed with any delays.... after all, there's a global financial crisis that's going on and that's completely out of my control.

This would be totally unacceptable, no one on earth would put up with that sort of shabby treatment :rolleyes: ...
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giovanni said:
Excuse me if it is illegal or unfair, i didn't realize that.

Is there someone that would accept my offer?

I want to buy a pandora from a first batcher that is able to reorder but don't want to do it... I can send you the money (obviously the cost of the second batch's Pandoras...), you could reorder it and then (OK, I don't know how <_<) sent me the prodouct (when it will arrive, of course).
I need to have it as soon as possible, because it will be a Christmas' present (I admit that the present is for me but my parents, that contribute to this purchase, say that a Christmas' present must be a Christmas' present and otherwise I cannot receive it....).

I'm sorry if my question sounds childish and if there is someone that need a Pandora more urgently or if my offer is immoral I will step aside immediatly...

Thank you :D

EDIT: I realize that I was wrong wraiting the topic's title grammar.....:)
Why not wait and see how many people have canceled, if there are at least 20, there should be one waiting for you.
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giovanni said:
Is there someone that would accept my offer?

The real question is, are you sure you could trust someone who did? A lot of people have questioned the Pandora guys themselves, so I think blindly sending your money off to some random person with little to lose and $350 to gain is probably not a safe idea.

I'd wait to see if the Pandora team come up with an official solution (like releasing a small 2nd batch to get rid of the leftovers).

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wont be out by christmas, in the current climate

also, fat angus, that post was beautiful
Fat Agnus said:
Heh, you can pre-order with me by sending me money first.

Then, I'll give you an update or so every once in a while. If you ask me what the status is, I'll jump all over you and ask you what you expected for preordering with me in the first place.

Later, when you continue to be more persistent, I'll appoint someone to be my spokesman so you'll feel better about the same lack of information that everyone else gets. Just don't get disappointed with any delays.... after all, there's a global financial crisis that's going on and that's completely out of my control.


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Fat Agnus said:
Heh, you can pre-order with me by sending me money first.

Then, I'll give you an update or so every once in a while. If you ask me what the status is, I'll jump all over you and ask you what you expected for preordering with me in the first place.

Later, when you continue to be more persistent, I'll appoint someone to be my spokesman so you'll feel better about the same lack of information that everyone else gets. Just don't get disappointed with any delays.... after all, there's a global financial crisis that's going on and that's completely out of my control.

Even though I have A LOT of respect and trust towards Craig, it's a good thing to be remembered of this once in a while.

I think they should get more people involved in the project, there are currently too few.
They will get paid off on the second batch if they do it right on this one, so it's perfectly feasible to get more people working on it to speed things up.
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.Gogeta§§J4BR. said:
I think they should get more people involved in the project, there are currently too few.
That's exactly that they're doing, sending out 30 devboards. Remember, without the boards themselves, there's actually a limited amount that people can do and throwing more people wasn't going to resolve it. But now that the bottleneck is removed, they can bring more developers onboard.
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