Anyone else remember this game. It was made by the people that did Duke Nukem and IMO was just as, if not more funny and fun. The sourcecode is out there but I'm afraid I'm technically challenged in this regard. Anyone wanna take on this project?
* Client-side game source (HUD, player input, special effects, etc.).
* Server-side game source (AI, world objects, etc.).
* Game headers shared between client and server (message types, etc.).
* Lithtech engine API headers.
* GameSpy communication library binary. (Needed for listen server.)
* Source code to the stand-alone server.
Sorry guys. It was on my todo list and if I had started it when I planned to then it probably would have been out by now, but I can't be bothered with any more GPL shit after all the crap the other month with fuckers bitching about me not releasing source (even though in one case it had been available for months, and in the other case it only took a couple of days before I could get it online (which is perfectly legal as the GPL states that the source should be made available when requested, it doesn't have to automatically be online at exactly the same time as the binary)). And did any of those bastards contribute anything to new releases after they got their pathetic hands on the source? did they fuck :angry:
I'll continue to work on Quake, Duke (and probably Q2), but I doubt I'll ever touch another GPL port again.
OK: Monolith used the "Lithtech" engine for blood II, but looking at their site now I don't think it is their own engine- there is a link to another set of people who do 3d engines ( click the "Lithtech" link on the right). If you read the list of the source code they provide...
I'll port it when I get a GP2X. I ported Duke Nukem to the GP32 and only needed a couple of hours (compared to the more than 30 hours I spent on Hexen) so I think it'll be a piece of cake