Calculator And Chat Program


Dec 12, 2003
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
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Hey Hey!

I just came to my senses and realised that I could go on source forge and find an awesome program that someone could port!

That program is a calculator, It looks very functionnal from the screenshots. It uses C and the source is about 100kb so it would be easy to change the gui to suit the gp32 and to get it running (I think, Im no programmer).

Heres its site with screenshots, a download and the source:

I also have an idea that isnt good enough too have its own topic. It is a simple chat program with custom emoticons (happy, sad, all of those) that uses the RF link and the Chatboard. Oh crap, nevermind! There arent enough ports for both! I guess it could use onscreen keyboard or simple keywords or a fill in the blank system.

EDIT: I found another open source calculator that seems to be also written in C and has a higher activity rating, it is made for PDAs so it is black and white but that could be easily changed.. Its here
I had the same idea once upon a time, but for GBA. It was a nice excercise in reading as little as possible about developing for it. I should try to dig up the code as I dont see it kickin around.
well could it work if by default the RF link was being used to receive messages, then as soon as you begin typing, it changes to the chatboard, then when u send, goes to RF-link? Clearly i know sod-all, but just an idea!
Don't suppose you've seen any calculators with logical operators (eg. and, or, not, xor, etc) and bit shifting (byte, word, dword) on your travels? Now THAT would get me interested, as I wouldn't have to cabbage my brain everytime then !
what the fuck would be the point in a chat program?? wouldnt it be much easier to just talk to the person?

Im not really sure, thats why I said it didnt deserve its own topic. But it could be useful if you and you friend are both monks and you want to talk to eachother with out breaking you not talking contest :P

Squidge, I have no clue what your talking about but all I really want is a calculator for GP32, that would make it more usefull and more of an all-in-one than it already is.