looking at the source code, there is no much difference between wiz & caanoo. That's a good news since ports should be much easier (once the SDK will be released ...)
looking at the source code, there is no much difference between wiz & caanoo. That's a good news since ports should be much easier (once the SDK will be released ...)
looking at the source code, there is no much difference between wiz & caanoo. That's a good news since ports should be much easier (once the SDK will be released ...)
PCSX4all, PocketSNES, PicoDrive, gpSP, MAME, GPFCE, GnGeo, Lemonboy, Gmenu2X, those would be my most wanted ports.
Although I've heard that the Caanoo doesn't support auto-booting. D:
Edit: Oh, and Ginge of course! I want Cave Story, and to play Wind and Water puzzle battles!
Edit: Whoops, they did release a Wiz version of W&W, and I never noticed. Think they'll release a Caanoo version? In either case I can probably still use Ginge for that.