Hm, now this cheated me a little. =) First I thought "Still no one managed to compile sidplay2?", then i tried it myself after struggling for some time and was happy to manage it and then I find out that Silent-Hunter managed to compile it the very same day he wrote the above message of getting stuck.
So sidplay2 does work, but needs packaging. For now here's my version of how i got it to run:
First of all i remembered that libsidplay is even in the angstrom-repo, but when i tried to installed it I noticed that also quite a lot of gcc-stuff was about to be installed. So i canceled installation. I'm not sure if this would be a problem, but I didn't want to risk anything.
Next I downloaded the sourcecode of libsidplay and tried to compile that without success. I struggled around a bit, got a break and then had the (good) idea of checking the gentoo-ebuild of libsidplay (my mainpc uses GentooLinux). I noticed that a couple of patches are being applied, so I used the same patches for the sourcecode on my Pandora. Now compilation with the "C/C++ development tools"-pnd worked find. I installed the libraries.
After that sidplay2 itself had to be compiled. Due to my little knowledge it took me a long time on finding out how to properly configure it. Some paths had to be changed:
./configure --with-sidplay2=/usr/local --with-sidutils=/usr/local --with-sidbuilders=/usr/local/lib/sidplay/builders
Once i got that, configuration successfully ended and i tried "make", which again didn't work till the end. So i looked for patched in the corresponding gentoo-ebuild as well and applied these. After that "make" worked fine.
Quick try: Running "sidplay2" in a terminal didn't work due to some missing library. But running "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib sidplay2" worked. So the installation should be done a little more nicely once again, but in general it works. Also sidplay2 can paired with "cplay" (a python-player) to get a ncurses-front-end. I did this via a script on my Gentoo-system.
Before all this I also tried to compile and run sidplayfp, which offers a more advanced sid-sound-experience (although some sid-files sound worse). Compiling sidplayfp worked fine as far as i can tell from a quick try, but running it didn't work for some reason. It simply got stuck. But it takes much more cpu-usage than sidplay2 anyway and thus might not run nicely on the Pandora anyway.
So much for a little update of mine on the situation.